How bad is the smell really?

well that depends on what you consider as a northern climate.....these grows are from Vancouver Canada....not sure if the OP is more or less northern

More northern than that. It's funny Canada always seems like the north, but then you look on a globe and I'm the equivalent of the southern reaches of Hudson Bay or Alaska! But with mild maritime winters...
You could always grow out a strain like freak show or ABC Australian Bastard Cannabis. They look nothing like regular cannabis plants. Also you could pick a strain that does not smell much like northern lights

I've gone for small auto varieties that will be a bit more stealthy than some giant sativa. Tried to source "low odour" strains but I'm wary of seedbank claims. To someone who doesn't toke they will probably still smell like cannabis or just some weird smell...
I need to ask about smell while growing. On another forum people have been giving ominous warnings that I'll stink the house out and (by implication) the cops will soon follow. Been told to get a tent, fans, carbon filters etc. I really don't want to go down that path, this is just an experiment in growing a (possibly very) small quantity for personal use.

If I'm growing three plants on a window sill, will it really smell that bad? The strain is based on Loeryder, the exact name is "Quick One" by Royal Queen.

Anyone have experience with small scale grows using a Lowryder variety? Will it stink out the whole block or will my neighbours hardly notice?
My plant stink in veg. Clones.. about 3 weeks old. I would get a small tent set up with a carbon filter if you are worried. It will be cheaper than your bail if caught otherwise.
That is just not the case. A grow is a grow, they don't care if you do it well or not.

Man in my state it didnt matter. Window sill grows would get you 50K fine and 2 years plus forfeiture of all property where the grow took place. 2nd offense was double and that was for just ONE plant. And they enforced it! In 2011 the passed the Law that making concentrates like hash or wax got you a LIFE SENTENCE. Google it..."Oklahoma Hash Life Sentence" Police camped out on the border of the state line to pull over Oklahoma plates leaving Colorado and coming back into the state. The police auctions were full of cars from just this they had so many they could not store them. They covered Kansas too for those that tried to circle around. But that is the way it is when the prisons are run by private companies for profit that contribute heavily to political candidates. And the police budgets came from the sale of your property. Drug offenses accounted for 80% of prison sentences. Then by the grace of voters it and the organization and signature drives by the Marijuana Compassionate Care Campaign we went medical legal. Never thought it would happen in my lifetime and thought for sure we would be the last state in the country. The police we're so pissed and constantly bashed the new law to any news network that would let them. Now its been 2 1/2 years the police dont care.... even if you dont have a card. They almost act apologetic writing you a ticket (if they even write a ticket) and try to counsel you into seeing a doctor and getting a card. Hell half the police dept (privately) have medical cards. Life is good now and half the marijuana cases have been over-turned and those people brought back home to their families. No way I would show the neighborhood/mailman/Jehova witness or anyone that may stray through your yard plants in a window sill livingin a non-legalized state or province.
Man in my state it didnt matter. Window sill grows would get you 50K fine and 2 years plus forfeiture of all property where the grow took place. 2nd offense was double and that was for just ONE plant. And they enforced it! In 2011 the passed the Law that making concentrates like hash or wax got you a LIFE SENTENCE. Google it..."Oklahoma Hash Life Sentence" Police camped out on the border of the state line to pull over Oklahoma plates leaving Colorado and coming back into the state. The police auctions were full of cars from just this they had so many they could not store them. They covered Kansas too for those that tried to circle around. But that is the way it is when the prisons are run by private companies for profit that contribute heavily to political candidates. And the police budgets came from the sale of your property. Drug offenses accounted for 80% of prison sentences. Then by the grace of voters it and the organization and signature drives by the Marijuana Compassionate Care Campaign we went medical legal. Never thought it would happen in my lifetime and thought for sure we would be the last state in the country. The police we're so pissed and constantly bashed the new law to any news network that would let them. Now its been 2 1/2 years the police dont care.... even if you dont have a card. They almost act apologetic writing you a ticket (if they even write a ticket) and try to counsel you into seeing a doctor and getting a card. Hell half the police dept (privately) have medical cards. Life is good now and half the marijuana cases have been over-turned and those people brought back home to their families. No way I would show the neighborhood/mailman/Jehova witness or anyone that may stray through your yard plants in a window sill livingin a non-legalized state or province.

And since 2018 Opioid use and Meth use have declined because of the Medical Marijuana Laws we have now.
For sure things need to change over here. A few years back the penalties were relaxed and police enforcement similarly tolerant. However more recently the government took a harder line and the police followed suit. Even though medical use is now legal you have to get a prescription, you can't grow your own legally. So we have the worst of both worlds. You can use it medically but you have to pay some licensed pharmaceutical company for stuff that won't even get you high; Or you can pay some sketchy dealer with criminal connections and cross subsidise their heroin operation. Or you can choose the third way and grow your own illegally but with harsher penalties than for simple possession, especially over a certain quantity. Basically the authorities want you to pay tax on booze or tobacco. They could legalise and get tax revenue from legit licensed growers but it seems they prefer not to do that for the time being.
For sure things need to change over here. A few years back the penalties were relaxed and police enforcement similarly tolerant. However more recently the government took a harder line and the police followed suit. Even though medical use is now legal you have to get a prescription, you can't grow your own legally. So we have the worst of both worlds. You can use it medically but you have to pay some licensed pharmaceutical company for stuff that won't even get you high; Or you can pay some sketchy dealer with criminal connections and cross subsidise their heroin operation. Or you can choose the third way and grow your own illegally but with harsher penalties than for simple possession, especially over a certain quantity. Basically the authorities want you to pay tax on booze or tobacco. They could legalise and get tax revenue from legit licensed growers but it seems they prefer not to do that for the time being.

In a town of 34k we have 40 dispensaries. The City and State have made 100x the tax revenue that the lotteries and casinos bring in. We have a few of people complaining about the smell in public places like the parks and coming from grow buildings but its better than seeing needles littered among the playground equipment. Best thing is Police get that money too and know where it comes from and tend just to look the other way when they come across gray areas of Marijuana laws. Even regulation and enforcement for the dispensaries is non existent. You dont know what they are selling they mix two plants and come up with their own catchy name for it and list the THC and CBD by what they imagine it to be .And they have BIG Worst is microscopic mold does it or doesnt it have it??? You know they didnt spend the money to test the CBD/THC why would they care about some mold that no one can see? Just push it through on the $5 gram section no one will notice. This is another reason Ive chosen to grow my own. The made it so cheap here to set up a dispensary everyone is doing it. And with no on site regulation in the first 2 years corruption is bound to get out of hand.
I need to ask about smell while growing. On another forum people have been giving ominous warnings that I'll stink the house out and (by implication) the cops will soon follow. Been told to get a tent, fans, carbon filters etc. I really don't want to go down that path, this is just an experiment in growing a (possibly very) small quantity for personal use.

If I'm growing three plants on a window sill, will it really smell that bad? The strain is based on Loeryder, the exact name is "Quick One" by Royal Queen.

Anyone have experience with small scale grows using a Lowryder variety? Will it stink out the whole block or will my neighbours hardly notice?
I mean I’ve had small plants not be noticeable. But my last plant you could smell across the street and everywhere I went everyone said I smelled like I had fire in my pocket. So it’s a hit or miss lol
My thinking is I'm much more likely to face legal consequences if I have a "professional" setup. Whereas a couple of plants on the window sill is obviously an amateur... :)
Keep telling yourself that m8. Lol. Not legal where I live. And as other comments say if your doing 3 plants on a window sill. U carnt be expecting much return.. Gl with it though. Is 3 plants really worth the risk.. On a window sill. As if u got a a small set up the benefits wud increase 10 fold
Well, it all depends. We had like 6 photos going in the back yard this year, right in amongst a bunch of townhouses and units. Some of them were 5-6 foot tall and yielded 300g each, and the smell wasn't too bad. Noone even noticed at my house, but on the other hand I've had mates grow a single auto in there cupboard and the whole house stinks.

It seems to pick and choose when it smells.
These photos (there were 3 this size) were basically undetectable smell wise, but my roommates single plant in the garage stunk the house out.


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Keep telling yourself that m8. Lol. Not legal where I live. And as other comments say if your doing 3 plants on a window sill. U carnt be expecting much return.. Gl with it though. Is 3 plants really worth the risk.. On a window sill. As if u got a a small set up the benefits wud increase 10 fold

And he might be lucky and achieve more grams than it cost to buy the seeds lol.
In a town of 34k we have 40 dispensaries. The City and State have made 100x the tax revenue that the lotteries and casinos bring in. We have a few of people complaining about the smell in public places like the parks and coming from grow buildings but its better than seeing needles littered among the playground equipment. Best thing is Police get that money too and know where it comes from and tend just to look the other way when they come across gray areas of Marijuana laws.

Well the booze and tobacco industries here are very well connected and presumably influence government to keep theirs the only licensed intoxicants. Booze in particular tightly knitted with big landowners who produce barley etc. as feedstock for distilleries and breweries. Big Pharma also very powerful here, so probably pressure from that direction so people buy Valium and Ritalin instead of growing a bit of weed for themselves. Where's the revenue stream for big business in that?
Keep telling yourself that m8. Lol. Not legal where I live. And as other comments say if your doing 3 plants on a window sill. U carnt be expecting much return.. Gl with it though. Is 3 plants really worth the risk.. On a window sill. As if u got a a small set up the benefits wud increase 10 fold

I'm going to build a micro grow cabinet, mainly to reduce odour but if it increases yield too I'm fine with that.
Well the booze and tobacco industries here are very well connected and presumably influence government to keep theirs the only licensed intoxicants. Booze in particular tightly knitted with big landowners who produce barley etc. as feedstock for distilleries and breweries. Big Pharma also very powerful here, so probably pressure from that direction so people buy Valium and Ritalin instead of growing a bit of weed for themselves. Where's the revenue stream for big business in that?

Big Pharma has definitely seem the profitability of marijuana and is getting involved as we speak. I would say they are gonna get their piece of the pie anyway but that not their way...they gonna want the whole pie.

Get a 36x18" tent, a 240w kingbrite and a 4" filter and fan.

Don't really want a tent. Convenient, sure but needs to be stealthier than that. If I'm going to have a tent that's almost as much of an advert for the grow as doing it by the window. I have a bunch of leftover bits of wood from furniture, I'll cobble something together from that so it blends in a bit more...