How bad will i get it?


Well-Known Member
i recently got caught at a friends house by a cop in maryland for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia, The thing is , it wasn't on me but it was on the table at this persons house and it wasn't mine. All i had on me was rolling papers. and there was no rolled up joints or anything.This is my first charge as a adult and i just turned 18 in may. What do you think will happen when i go to court ? The amount of weed was not even a gram if that. it was just roaches.


Active Member
I can't promise this because I an not a legal professional, but usually for a first time offense they will drop the major charge if you plead guilty for the lesser charge (ie- drop the possession for admitting to paraphernalia). NORML has a guideline for state laws regarding cannabis here -->
Best bet will be to go to a bar, find people there that were arrested for drinking and driving, then ask them who their lawyer was. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Id make sure though that you dont try and make up some crazy story, If you say you dont smoke, judge will test you and if ur lyin,ohhh boyyyy. But thats some minor shit.


Well-Known Member
In my state it's a misdemeanor with a slap on the wrist fine. Not sure about Maryland though.


Active Member
i say you dont say anything

its not your house, its not your weed, its not your pipes

dont rat out your friend, but just literally dont say ANYTHING


Well-Known Member
I looked up your state laws. Apparently possesion is a misdemeanor with up to a $1000 fine for any amount. Paraphanelia is another misdemeanor with a $500 fine. You'll prolly be able to get the prosecutor to throw out the posession if you plead guilty on the paraphanelia especially considering it was less than a gram. So worst case you're looking at like a 500 dollar fine. No biggie.


New Member
Sounds more like frequenting than possession to me.
Sounds like you need to get a lawyer, and not one of those court appointed ones.
If you have to use court appointed attorney's, and most people don't know this. You and fire them if they aren't doing as you direct. They will appoint you another attorney. Make sure you get a good one, and fire them until you do.
Good Luck!


Active Member
dont plead guilty to something that was not yours

rolling papers are not illegal
+1 I bet they will approach you at some time and will want you to rat out your buddy in exchange for dropping the charges against you. Don't bite at that, they don't really have anything on you and you should just say that wasn't yours and shut up after that.

They like to seize private property and if you rat out your bud, they can seize his stuff. Don't fall for that, just say it wasn't your stuff and keep your mouth shut. At worst, 1,000 beans, a misdemeanor and a good story to tell. S

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
I'm telling you man,do not eat this rap.I know it don't sound like much,just some minor bs,a little fine,maybe some "be a good boy" time (probation) and,AND A GUILTY ON YOUR RECORD FOREVER,STRIKE ONE.
Get popped again somewhere down the road,go to court & the judge looks at your record & "Oh,I see you have a prior conviction Mr.xxxxxx,you're just a regular bad boy aint you? No mercy from this prick now,your azz is in trouble,maybe big trouble.
Don't take the strike bro',I'm really trying to help you here,no bs.


Well-Known Member
how did you get caught at your friends house? why were the cops there? you said the paraphanelia was inside on the table. who let them in? just dont plead guilty to anything theres no way they can charge you with that shit they cant prove it was yours.


Well-Known Member
i plead not guilty but they found me guilty. The judge only made me pay 200 dollars and took the rest of the 1000 dollar fine away. and i got 12 months probation and have to take project 103 , witch is a drug class ha


New Member
do not go down for it even if its just money now it will be ass pain later. it doesnt sound like there is much evidence to show that it was "yours". nothing happened unless you say it did. dont be intimidated. remember what you got is probably a "complaint" from an officer. this is not the same as a cause of action. in order for them to win, they must do things, if any one thing isnt right they lose. you can impeach a police witness by asking him questions that force him to give "responsive" answers instead of just blow off answers. they have probably have nothing but u really need to know the law because they are master manipulators. look up "standing" and "jurisdiction" and how to impeach a police witness if it gets that far. but you cant get a fair trial anyway because the judge and the cops both represent the party whos attacking you, its called "conflict of interest" you have to know the law for anything to work they will fuck with you but they cant do shit. and court is not he said she said. there better be evidence a crime was commited(corpus delicti) beside the officers story which is a "he said"


Well-Known Member
I coulda helped you beat the case dog we woulda had to suppress that evidence in the pre trial illegal search and seizure due to lack of probable cause lack of scientific documents to prove the substance to be marijuana learn the law join the almighty