How being an MMPR patient effects Life insurance


Active Member
SO, me and some friends were talking about the price wars that will inevitably hit and how dealers could potentially purchase from LP's and resell at street prices...

Anyways, a buddy mentioned how it would be stupid to sign up with a doctor/LP and put on record your suffer from X condition and are a smoker of marijuana... as it woud effect your abillity to gain citizenship in another country and would screw up life insurance... its far better to just fly under the radar and purchase your meds off the record...



Well-Known Member
what are you smoking. This is A medical Marijuana Forum :lol:

You are just realizing about signing with the devil now????

you've been thinking about this for a LONNNGG time eh


Well-Known Member
The fact that you are eligible for a license pretty well wraps up any chance of getting paid out on life insurance, mortgage insurance and the like anyhow. Unless you had those policies before you were diagnosed. Most, if not all have a pre-existing condition clause that the insurance companies will use to refuse or reduce your pay out. Read the fine print and Google payout rates/percentages by the insurance companies, it's fucking scam. I have a policy which was taken out many years ago, prior to being diagnosed with cancer, I've checked, recorded and verified everything required for these scammers to pay my kids when I kick it, it's all with my lawyer so he looks after my kids and fucks the insurance company vs. vice-versa. My last act of defiance against the system, from the grave ;)


Well-Known Member
The fact that you are eligible for a license pretty well wraps up any chance of getting paid out on life insurance, mortgage insurance and the like anyhow. Unless you had those policies before you were diagnosed. Most, if not all have a pre-existing condition clause that the insurance companies will use to refuse or reduce your pay out. Read the fine print and Google payout rates/percentages by the insurance companies, it's fucking scam. I have a policy which was taken out many years ago, prior to being diagnosed with cancer, I've checked, recorded and verified everything required for these scammers to pay my kids when I kick it, it's all with my lawyer so he looks after my kids and fucks the insurance company vs. vice-versa. My last act of defiance against the system, from the grave ;)
lets hope that's not for awhile eh


Well-Known Member
don't forget to write a will..... otherwise ya will lose some of that insurance money to the govt
Good point, more important than almost anything else is to have a will and update when any major events happen, like immediately after I settled court matters with my ex ;)