how big a deal is the Marc Emery extradition case to our cause?


Active Member
I'm very nervous about this case and think if he is extradited the seed companies in Canada will start to vanish

Also it will put the DEA as an international organization, which is a scary thought

any views on this case?

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Our side is getting bigger and better and so is true for them I think it's called growth.

The biggist dope dealers on the planet are DEA and prision guards.

Doobie Doo

Well-Known Member
Its a huge deal for all, mostly in Canada. If Canada bends to the USA wishes it will be a huge step backwards. Im sure Canada will do the right thing.


Well-Known Member
"I advocate the position of liberty, the position of justice, the position of non-violent freedom for all people to do what they want, to put in their body what they want, and to act in a manner that is suitable to them without interference from others, especially their government.

"The war on marijuana and other sacred plants is the most important issue of our time. I want to see drug-peace in my lifetime. I hope that we can make Canada into a beacon of tolerance and freedom for our American neighbors, and for all pot-people around the globe. Together, we will overgrow the government!"

* Marc Emery for Mayor:

Man this guy is the shit!!! they dont show any news about him in the main stream US media. trust me

I didnt even know who this guy was. They are stupid if they extradite him.

anyway those are inspiring words up there that he said. But if I wasnt such a lazy pot head maybe I would get off my ass and go protest with him to:mrgreen:

I think thats the main problem.

How do you get a million lazy potheads to march together?.........I dont know but I bet it aint easy:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Active Member
Calling himself the "Prince of Pot" doesn't exactly help his case.

He committed "crimes" and was quite public about it, so he'll probably go to prison. They like to "make examples" of people like him. People who OTHER people know about so they can say "See? This is what happens!"

...Too bad for them, it isn't going to stop anyone.

Doobie Doo

Well-Known Member
Calling himself the "Prince of Pot" doesn't exactly help his case.

He committed "crimes" and was quite public about it, so he'll probably go to prison. They like to "make examples" of people like him. People who OTHER people know about so they can say "See? This is what happens!"

...Too bad for them, it isn't going to stop anyone.
He was very public about it because he wants all the people to see how unfair these laws are. Sometimes you have to make some noise to get ppls attention. Now that he has done that the least we can do is support him. His cause is are cause.


Well-Known Member
Well I think you said it right Doobie Doo. {HIS CAUSE IS ARE CAUSE} The usa is trying too write the laws for canada, and Iraq and the world.The DEA is under handed will do anything to get there way.There is 3 poeple that will be on trial, Marc Emery ,Greg Willaims,Michelle Rainey.I hope canada thumps there nose at the DEA and turns them lose.Check it all out on pot-tv they got the whole scoop. I got to go so Peace everybody its 420


Well-Known Member
i see whats happening. soon we will be sending seeds to canada. 12/50 are legal here now. laws are being re written in holland also. you better get while the gettins good.

in a few years youll look back and say you cant get away with today what you used to do.

And yes we are americans, We want therefor bush makes it happens.


Active Member
fro those of u that don't know the DEA is an international organization. has been for a few years...

i'm usaully not proud of the way we do things but if you think we don't tacitly run the majority of the world then ur ignorant. IMF, WOrld Bank, UN, DEA, CIA we are the roman empire waiting to be toppled.

i'm high.


New Member
I'm very nervous about this case and think if he is extradited the seed companies in Canada will start to vanish

Also it will put the DEA as an international organization, which is a scary thought

any views on this case?
Not just canada, europe too.

This is bigger than the case, much bigger than a guy having to serve 5 years. This is control, and a show of their power.

We are yet to show them ours.

Through their control they will only create chaos.


Well-Known Member
Well Just to shed a bit of light... I was lucky in April 20th 2004 I was able to meet March Emery on Parlemint Hill and speak with him for a bit. In Ottawa they have a thing celebrating 420. On that date we all gather infront of the parliament hill and smoke all day with the RCMP just watching and allowing us to smoke freely. Just to let people know as well that I personally have seen some local head shops stop selling seeds since Jan 2008 because of this issue. Hopefully one day the Liberals or NDP will get back into power and overtake the conservatives so we can have a lenient pot laws. The conservatives that are in power now only believe in strong anti pot laws and believe in jail time. I mean if beer is legal and cigarettes are legal then why in the hell is pot not?
The real issue today is we the people weather it be in Canada, USA, Europe are suppose to be making the laws. Now I can't speak for any other country but I am sure it's the same everywhere but they are all corrupted. As long as they can make their money without people knowing and lie to our faces until they turn blue. Anyways I hope things will work out for Marc and he's just a guy trying to fight for something that he strongly believes in. Here in Canada Marc we are behind you!!


Active Member
I think thats the main problem.

How do you get a million lazy potheads to march together?.........I dont know but I bet it aint easy:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:[/quote]

Uhm tell them it's a bong-a-thon with free Doritos and Coolatas at every rest station? :blsmoke:

The Garden Shed

Well-Known Member
I will certainly cry out loud and with force if the USA successfully extradites him, unless he cuts a deal. That would be by choice and thus from his own advice to let people do what they want. I would fight tooth and nail if the fascist of the south came to drag me away from my land. I reiterate that the breach of American law in Canada cannot be prosecuted under a freedom derived from the constitution of Canada.

A Supreme Court of Canada ruling {R. v. Malmo‑Levine; R. v. Caine, [2003] 3 S.C.R. 571, 2003 SCC 74} declares the currant marijuana law contrary to the constitution of Canada, thus how can a man be extradited for a law the highest court of the land has declared invalid?

I prove the point with the following supreme court conclusion and link to the whole decision if you wish to read it. We will see if my country follows through with this extradition contrary to the laws of the land it represents to defend.

R. v. Malmo‑Levine; R. v. Caine, [2003] 3 S.C.R. 571, 2003 SCC 74“The questions before the Court are issues of law, not policy, namely whether the prohibition, including the availability of imprisonment for simple possession, is not valid legislation, either because it does not properly fall within Parliament’s legislative competence, or because the prohibition, and in particular the availability of imprisonment, violate the guarantees of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms…..“The inclusion of cannabis in the schedule to the Narcotic Control Act infringes the accused’s right to liberty without regard for the principles of fundamental justice. For the state to be able to justify limiting an individual’s liberty, the legislation upon which it bases its actions must not be arbitrary. In this case, the legislation is arbitrary. First, it seems doubtful that it is appropriate to classify marihuana consumption as conduct giving rise to a legitimate use of the criminal law in light of the Charter, since, apart from the risks related to the operation of vehicles and the impact on public health care and social assistance systems, the moderate use of marihuana is on the whole harmless. Second, in view of the availability of more tailored methods, the choice of the criminal law for controlling conduct that causes little harm to moderate users or to control high‑risk groups for whom the effectiveness of deterrence or correction is highly dubious is out of keeping with Canadian society’s standards of justice. Third, the harm caused by prohibiting marihuana is fundamentally disproportionate to the problems that the state seeks to suppress. This harm far outweighs the benefits that the prohibition can bring. Since the Crown did not attempt to justify the prohibition under s. 1 of the Charter, it has not satisfied its burden.”

By the way there has not been any law passed to replace the current law that has been struck down by the highest court of the land. In other words, and ask any Canadian lawyer, there is currently no marijuana law in effect today. The Gov’t has 1 year to re-write the law from the date of the court decision and it has not. If Marc has not struck a deal I would recommend he does not and he fights this all the way to the office of the Justice Minister, who can overrule the extradition order.

Peace to all


Well-Known Member
my saying is "its no secret why is it a surprise?". the us will get involved anywhere. look at the middle east. i dont agree with marijuana laws at all . i however am not blown away when someone is busted or killed by the us gov.
ever hear of pablo escobar. the u.s had him hunted and killed. i know we all support marc emery and marijuana legalization but im not surprised to find out that the u.s goes after dealers in other countries. you shouldnt be either.