How big are these gonna get??? Help :)


These are growin indoors - natural sunlight. Got them on 12/12 and got girls flowering 1 week now. Think it's a Sativa and Indica. They vegged 3 months.

How much bigger are they gonna get before they are done buddin? And - anyone guess how much they might give me?

My first grow and I'm thinking they look big, but good. Help on size and time flowerin..plzzz!

Thanx man.



Someone said my Sativa could reach 9 feet?? I really need some help with this. Will it get that big as it is flowering? Anything I can do to keep if from getting that big?



Well-Known Member
100% Sativas, given the time in full glorious outdoors can get very large, even more than 9 feet under perfect conditions, however, you have a hybrid, and it appears to my eye indica dominant, they will put on some size in flowering but I wouldnt worry about them getting 9 feet, they are 3 months now, if they were gonna be 9 feet you would know by now. They would have very thick stalks.