How Big Can A Beginner Go? First Hydro/Supercropping from Clone. Critical Jack.


Well-Known Member
How far into flower are you, I can't find it in the thread? Usually the stretching period will last between 1.5-3 weeks depending on strain and also plant maturity when the lights where changed. I'm not really sure where your plants are at, but as far as I know the plants will grow roots as they need them. I think if you severely damaged the roots in flower they would try to repair them, but I'm not certain on this. I want to get a botany degree but havn't got there yet.

If you are scroging it then you want to flip usually when the screen is about 80% -85% full which will allow you to continue to weave it under the screen until the flowers begin to form. If you know that your strain is real stretchy you might flip at a 70% full screen to account for that, and vice versa if you know it will not stretch much.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Giving rep to people on another's thread is shitfaced. Especially when it's a beginners thread and he deserves the rep for the nice plant growing........


New Member
Veg is easy, now the fun part begins. They usually stretch for 2 weeks, maybe a little more... so you will have a big plant.

thankyou for the rep thundercat ;-) x

a little pic of my little grow ;-)
Leopard print rawr... reminds me of some leopard sheets I used to have.


Well-Known Member
If thats directed at me you can get over yourself. Yes this is your thread and I've been trying to offer good advice and suggestions. I have actually tried to give you rep twice today but have "given out to much rep in the last 24 hours". I am very liberal with my rep and hand it out in batchs to people in whatever thread I'm reading. I'm honestly very surprised that I hadn't given you rep already since I had read your thread. However asking for rep is never how you get it, and its kinda silly to crappy and start insulting people over it.

If you started 12/12 on 3/11 as you said you can expect 1-2 more weeks of stretch depending on the genetics and maturity. Did the plant have preflowers before you put it under 12/12? Have you told us what strain this is, I can't recall? If its a more sativa dom strain or phenotype then it will likely stretch out a bit more for a little longer period, and vice versa for an indica dom strain or pheno. If your screen is already completely full you might have a jungle on your hands as it continues to stretch, again depending on strain, if you've got a good indica dom strain then your prolly right on pace for a nice scrog. Some pics would really help take all the guess work out.

As for leopard print, I can't pull it off but she sure can!

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
It's very heavy sativa. A clone from my critical jack that I recently grew. It was fully mature as I took it from a flowering plant. That one was cut at 12 weeks but this one is already moving along much faster.


Well-Known Member
OK well being very sativa you might have a jungle but you already know how it grows so hopefully you can control it well.


Well-Known Member
I've followed some grows that have produced over 2 lbs from one plant indoors, but there aren't many of those. I'd say very commonly people pull 8-16 oz from single plants. One 4x4 scrog I can think of the guy pulled 13, another cabinet scrog the guy was pulling 10 regularly with a 400w which was real impressive. Critical jack is supposed to be a good yielder, as I have said before I've got one going right now too. Mine just went into 12/12 on the 16th and I topped it on the 18th so it is now going into 4 nice colas.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
My last had a huge cola. I didn't do anything to her other than a little needed trimming of leaves and cloned the bottom 10 or so branches. This one has been topped, super cropped and lst'ed so I'm excited to see the final.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
I'm not getting my hopes up thinking ill get 20x what I got from my last due to the difference in sizes. But I have been feeling comfortable in thinking 8 was an obtainable goal. I have been wondering though....Will a plant that is double another's size put off double the bud or does it go up in percentages?


Well-Known Member
It can easily be a direct relation of size to buds for sure, some times its even more because the larger plants have bigger root systems and such. HOw much light do you have over it, in a 4x4 ish area and enough light you can pull 8 easy.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
I got my tester today. I didnt realize that I needed a solution to zero it out so thats the next thing to get. I think my tap water is around 7.0-7.5. I tried to set it there and my resevoir tested at 6.8ish. That could be correct thought as ive only used vinegar to lower my ph. I did add a little vinegar though, just in case. I'll be getting my ph up/down this week also. But she's looking great with the lack of experience and materials.
Here today's updated pics. I tried to include a root shot but its hard to hold the plant and ipad. The roots are white. She's doing we'll and starting to stretch. There's also a photo of the base so that you can see how we'll the light penetrates the canopy. You can actually see it shining down on the leaves.
Normally my plants are about the size of the smaller to the far right when I switch to flowering. Those gave 2oz. You can see how there's no comparison! There's the potential for this one to be massive, hopefully.



Well-Known Member
With all those branches it sure seems like it should yield for you man. I thought you said it was in a scrog though?


Well-Known Member
I think I might try a hydro grow myself in the near future. You have a link to your first grow so I can check the set up?

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
First grow? This is my first hydro try. I haven't had my setup for a year yet so I've only had a few tries at soil. I'll try to get a pic of my first grow if I can it get off my camera.

I think I might try a hydro grow myself in the near future. You have a link to your first grow so I can check the set up?