How big of a plant do you need to harvest an elbow?


Well-Known Member
i can only see the first 6 or 7 pages at icmag without registering... i cant even tell how many there are... BUT

there are some nice buds, but i didnt see anything in there that looked like a 2 lb harvest... and there is no 400w hps, its all CFLs...

and 2ndly - after you cross 99 plants, if you get busted you go to federal prison for a mandatory minimum of 5 yrs - and your method requires at least 144 plants, and they have to be cloned and veg'd somewhere else before they go in the system... so the "zero veg" is quite a stretch...

i just use feminized seeds, and harvest 2 lbs within 3 months... but it requires a screen and 2KW, a whopping .448g/watt! its hard to get over .5g/watt in 3 months... i've seen 1g/watt in a micro cab with screen but 2.7g/watt is babyboi insane.


Well-Known Member
You've been totally confused by my other thread, forget that 2lb 144 plant thread it has nothing at all to do with this. And no no veg time either way.

DrBud makes no claims of any yield, nor did I say this person could yield a pound with that box, I simply said maybe.

And as for the law, if you are growing pounds regardless of how I think you're pretty fucked either way.

Just bend over if that happens.


Well-Known Member
i'd bend over for the state - that will give me a low class felony i can probably get dropped to a misdemeanor if i can prove i got 6 plants in my house for me...

bending over for the feds... thats a whole different ballgame.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't actually quite work that way, but I'm not growing that many plants either for that very reason.

However his boxes aren't large enough for 99 combined I don't think, didn't really look that close.