How big of a pot should i have to grow a full sized plant


Active Member
Hello, i have a 8 inch plant in a 1 gallon pot, i would like to know how big of a pot i need to just let it grow in without transplanting so often


Active Member
3-5 gallons depending on how long you plan to grow, ive used 5 gallons b4 and found that its a waste of soil,im good in 3 gallons,i guess you can say a gallon per foot would be an ok estimate


Well-Known Member
well it would depends on the strain IMO , a sativa would need a bigger pot then an indica because it has a longer life.then again it would depend on when u flowerd.


Active Member
DumpsterLove is right. 1 Gall for every ft. tall you want it to grow, or for every month you have the plant alive. 4 weeks veg, 8 weeks bloom=3 gal pots. 8 weeks veg, 12 weeks bloom=5 gal pots.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on a few things you need to consider. How big you're growing your plant~ I've grown in 3 gallon bags but they hold about 4 actually gallons. And what they call a 5 gallon pot (C2000) at the grow shops are actually 3.84 gallons:lol:. If money is not a issues these are what I would go. But if it was a seedling and your not sure what sex it is you can go to 3 gallon and when your sure it's a female go to a 5 gallon. If your lazy just put'em in 5 gallon and be done with it! And hope you don't have to go to 7 galloners :lol: I have some in rock wool now that were root bound in the 5 gallon pots and had to transplanted to 7 gallons(C2800)~

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