how big of a room?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i just purchased another light its a 1000w HPS/MH right now i have a 32x32 tent in which i have my 600w MH in and it seems to work good even with the light at the top of the tent and the plants on the ground with around 3-4 ft of space inbetween the lights and the plants. the light is aircooled but i like not having to mess with moving it.

anyways, the 32x32 tent was my flowering tent and i have a small DIY dresser cab with CFL that i used to use for vegging. now that ill have a 600w and a 1000w i would like to setup the 600w for veg tent and use the 32x32 tent as my veg room and construct another room for my flowering room. at first i was thinking of just purchasing a 59x59 grow tent but then i figures i could probabally just build a frame and panda film it to make a room.

so heres my question. what size should i build, this is going to be a perpetual style grow so i wont be moving the light it is going to stay about 5 ft off the ground. i would like to buils a room thats maybe 4x8 but im not sure if 1 1000w is going to cover a 8 ft span or not.

the plants will be rotated every 2 weeks when i haverst, they will get moved over so the next batch can come in i will most likely be using 3 gal grow bags and was hoping to do 8 rows of 4 harvesting 4 plants every 2 weeks or 4 plants every week.

thanks in advance for any comments made, i know this seems a bit much on 1 light and i want to make sure i do it right so i can get some good quality buds. but i also dont want to jew myself on space when my light has more potential.


Well-Known Member
no one has any opinions?

got the lumber today to frame out a room i think im going to go with a 4x6x6 2x4 frame with panda film on the outside.


Well-Known Member
I run 2 1000's in a 4x8. A 1000 will cover a 4x4 nicely so just build it as big as you can so you have room to work but the light will still only cover the same footprint.. I don't do perpetual grows, too much going on for my taste, so I can't comment on that. It you staggered your grows you could early veg under cfls, finish vegging for a few weeks under each of your lights then flower each light. You don't need to dedicate a 600 to veg. That would be the best use of those light for yield.


Well-Known Member
the 600w dosent run a HPS bulb though just a MH thats why i ordered a new light. so i figured since it only runs the MH it would make a great veg light in my 32x32 tent.

im definatly not going 4x8 but i really wanted to do 4x6 you dont think the 1 1k will be sufficient, i was thinking a light mover may be a smart choice


Well-Known Member
Doing perpetual with only one light seems like a pain in the ass.If you wanna get the most out of it, it would be best to just grow a good canopy with evenly sized plants under one light,rather than a bunch of plants at varying stages of growth. If I read that right,you are saying you want 32 plants under 1 1000 watt? That seems excessive. Like the other guy mentioned earlier..all the action is in the 4x4 ft square under the hood with a 1000 watt (600 is about 3x3) You can put the plants however you want,but if you have the canopy elongated to 4x6 like you mentioned..the stuff outside of that wont get enough light and will grow spindly airy buds with little weight.


Well-Known Member
A 1000 watt is going to illuminate a 4x4 area well. Give yourself a little extra space to move stuff around and cull weaker plants.
5x5 made with 2x2 lumber and panda film. You can make a door by stapling the end of the panda to a 2x2 that is the height of your tent. Then just use one of those big hand clamp deals from harbor freight or home depot.
I have three Seperate tents like this


Well-Known Member
i have 2 seperate lights and 2 grow rooms, one 600w MH and a 1000w HPS/MH

the 600w mh is going to be in a 32x32 tent and the 1000w is going to be in a 4x6 room made with 2x4 and panda, im probabally going to do a light mover to move the light a 3 ft length across the room, either that im going to test drive it and see what happens, worst case i can cut some of the wall down and make it a 4x4 room.

kinda started this thread on friday to get some answers and discuss it then but didnt get much for responses by the time it came down to building time so i already have the room made...appreciate everyone responses anyways though and we will see how it works out. to say im going to have airy and spindly buds is kinda a well not true since i have seen my old man grow under way worse lighting and come out with small but dense buds, alot of the density in buds is genetics (not saying light dosent have anything to do with it) but i grew 2 plants under a 600w MH in a 32x32 tent and one had nice dense buds and the other was fluffy airy buds and they were both at the same height.


Well-Known Member
Skip the light mover. Been there. , done that. Maybe for veg, but not for flower
yeah i wasnt hell bent on doing it was going to give her a test drive first and if i felt i needed it i would have possible looked into it.

ill post some pics here this weekend of the new setup so anyone interested can see