How big should a tap root be for planting?


Well-Known Member
Basically a friend got some seeds. One was broken so he germinated it for shits and giggles (his real grow won't go on for another couple of months). Any way he was wondering how large his tap root should be before planting? Right now the seed is cracked open on one end a little with tap root is sticking out the side (I mean it's tiny) but it's a very noticeable germed seed. You think he should wait a day or so more and let the little root get bigger or is it ready for a planting. FYI he's going to either use soil or a small hydro setup just for this one little seedling (would either setup require a differently sized tap root than the other?).


Well-Known Member
plant the tap root facing down..the minute the seed cracks and u can c reccommend using tweezers to place it in ur medium..ive had bad luck touching my tap roots with my hands..and prefer to germ st8 in2 soil without the paper towel hassel and exxtra handling..but ea 2 there own..good luck


Well-Known Member
plant the tap root facing down..the minute the seed cracks and u can c reccommend using tweezers to place it in ur medium..ive had bad luck touching my tap roots with my hands..and prefer to germ st8 in2 soil without the paper towel hassel and exxtra handling..but ea 2 there own..good luck
Cool thats what I though you plant it once it cracks. Yeah I knew to plant it face down. I just didn't know if letting the seed's tap root get a little bit larger before planting would help out much in terms of it being more vigorous and accustom to it's new medium. A lot of photo's I've seen of germed seeds seem to have exaggerated tap root size. Most likely I imagine to illustrate a point.


Well-Known Member
yes plant as soon as bean cracks show white plant with root and pointed end down amust. then i cover with a plastic bag or ceran wrap over starter cup until shows through soil then under flour light for three weks as seedling just distilled water and thrive a little root stimulator and a drop of peroxide. fourth week veg starts transplant under big lights if limit of light is 18 inch im under at 20 inch the first week raise every week until reach loimit of ligh food also starts 4th week at 1/4 strenth feed everyother water I normally water dry for 2 days food dry for one day repeat. but what do i know growing since this January on my 4th grow lucktoyomybrother.


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks guys. I think my buddy might just give it a day or so longer only because he has to guy some supplies. But yeah it's pretty shocking this thing germinated. It literally was missing 2/3s of it's shell and looked a bit crushed and miss colored. But yeah I do know a lot of the fundamentals of growing. My buddy and myself have grown a lot of other types of plants before so I don't think he's all too worried. Neither one of us have germed seeds in a paper towel ever so I've never actually seen how a tap root looks in real life.


Well-Known Member
Also should my shine a light on the seed growing in the medium? Or should he wait till it sprouts out of the medium (i.e. the point at which it isn't quite a seedling/still looks like a sprout)? I mean in theory wouldn't help growth as the sprout is growing out of the medium for light? I was going to tell him to use something in the 10-20w range for this? Or is it not even needed?


Well-Known Member
id say sure throw a small floro or cfl helps dry the soil out and create humity..especially if u cover the pots i saranwrap like dude said.. creats a humid environment..when they sprout and grow in2 bumping the saranwrap i take it off. i also use a heat pad underneath to push humidity and dry the soil..increased germ rate and speed.


Well-Known Member
no light is needed until sprout shows through soil then right away not to close and by the way when i have seeds that wont split i use scarsification scratch sandpaper scrape along edge that splits crack open just dont go deep enough to damage seed inside.luck to you my brother


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the great responses guys! Hopefully this seed is a female. As I said earlier this isn't my buddies main grow. That won't happen for a few months or so (for that grow he's throwing down big bucks, and making some nice hydro setups/legal grow rooms). I think he's more curious to see if this sucker will grow at this point. Not even fruit even. It's more or less just fun science experiment. I think at most for this one little seedling my buddy is willing to commit to 20-30 dollars worth of supplies and a minimal amount of time.


Basically a friend got some seeds. One was broken so he germinated it for shits and giggles (his real grow won't go on for another couple of months). Any way he was wondering how large his tap root should be before planting? Right now the seed is cracked open on one end a little with tap root is sticking out the side (I mean it's tiny) but it's a very noticeable germed seed. You think he should wait a day or so more and let the little root get bigger or is it ready for a planting. FYI he's going to either use soil or a small hydro setup just for this one little seedling (would either setup require a differently sized tap root than the other?).
Other people in this thread seem to think that it's a good idea to plant the seed as soon as it cracks..however this can be a bad idea..the tap root is what gives the plant its early root structure..and strength..allowing them to have this before planting gives the seedling a much better chance to survive any problems it may encounter in the soil..remember..soil is a living organism and has bacteria..a seed may get halted in its early growth by encountering any numbers of chemical reactions including chlorine shock..pests..or fungus..the ones with a half inch tap root..seem to be able to cope better..

the best thing is to let the seed develop a tap root to a length of about a half inch. I am also going to recommend and assume that you knew enough to let the seed(s) bob around in a glass of water that was allowed to sit for a few hours (to allow chlorine to gas out of the water...before putting the seeds in)...and then put the glass of water and seeds into an empty drawer somewhere where there are no lights..and leave it there for 12-14 hours.."longer will risk drowning the seeds"..then you should have triangle folded a and dampened brown coffee filter..not white..white ones may contain bleach..which is also chlorinated..put the coffee filter triangle in a small tray and put the seeds very gently onto the filter.."don't squish them or they will die"..after their soak they are do this carefully..put a "once folded" coffee filter on top of the seeds..and wet it ..

you will see the outline of the seeds through it slightly once it's wet..put the tray back in the drawer and use the water in the cup to wet the top filter a couple times each day..DO NOT LET THE FILTER DRY OUT BUT ALSO DO NOT LET THE SEEDS SIT IN A PUDDLE..after about three days the tap root will be around a half inch on the seeds..if not leave them until they are..once the seeds are ready..plant them each in their own small 4 inch pot by poking a whole down about an inch with a chopstick or your finger..

gently place the seedling tap root down and gently push some soil in around it and then cover it gently with some more soil ( make sure you use regular potting soil with a decent amount of peril it in it..I like shultzs potting soil) spray (water @ 6.5 ph) the soil till it's dark and wet but not the potted plant under a 1300-2600k daylight (for vegging cycle) CFL..about 3 - 4 inches from the pot about 2 days or less you will see your new seedling popping through the soil..if it takes 3 days I will be surprized..keep checking the seedling about 3 times a day..make sure to fine mist spray the soil and keep it the light will dry it out..don't let it dry out until your plant gets about 4 inches and has its first real growth leaves..

Then water the soil as you would with regular plants..allowing the soil to almost dry out up to an inch below surface..I usually water when I see the edges of the soil pull away from the pot sides..but for the seedling when it is still just in the baby leaves..keep the surface damp watering or checking it every few hours..keep a light breeze (fan) circulating in the room..not directly on the plants though..especially when they are little. good luck


Well-Known Member
Other people in this thread seem to think that it's a good idea to plant the seed as soon as it cracks..however this can be a bad idea..the tap root is what gives the plant its early root structure..and strength..allowing them to have this before planting gives the seedling a much better chance to survive any problems it may encounter in the soil..remember..soil is a living organism and has bacteria..a seed may get halted in its early growth by encountering any numbers of chemical reactions including chlorine shock..pests..or fungus..the ones with a half inch tap root..seem to be able to cope better..

the best thing is to let the seed develop a tap root to a length of about a half inch. I am also going to recommend and assume that you knew enough to let the seed(s) bob around in a glass of water that was allowed to sit for a few hours (to allow chlorine to gas out of the water...before putting the seeds in)...and then put the glass of water and seeds into an empty drawer somewhere where there are no lights..and leave it there for 12-14 hours.."longer will risk drowning the seeds"..then you should have triangle folded a and dampened brown coffee filter..not white..white ones may contain bleach..which is also chlorinated..put the coffee filter triangle in a small tray and put the seeds very gently onto the filter.."don't squish them or they will die"..after their soak they are do this carefully..put a "once folded" coffee filter on top of the seeds..and wet it ..

you will see the outline of the seeds through it slightly once it's wet..put the tray back in the drawer and use the water in the cup to wet the top filter a couple times each day..DO NOT LET THE FILTER DRY OUT BUT ALSO DO NOT LET THE SEEDS SIT IN A PUDDLE..after about three days the tap root will be around a half inch on the seeds..if not leave them until they are..once the seeds are ready..plant them each in their own small 4 inch pot by poking a whole down about an inch with a chopstick or your finger..

gently place the seedling tap root down and gently push some soil in around it and then cover it gently with some more soil ( make sure you use regular potting soil with a decent amount of peril it in it..I like shultzs potting soil) spray (water @ 6.5 ph) the soil till it's dark and wet but not the potted plant under a 1300-2600k daylight (for vegging cycle) CFL..about 3 - 4 inches from the pot about 2 days or less you will see your new seedling popping through the soil..if it takes 3 days I will be surprized..keep checking the seedling about 3 times a day..make sure to fine mist spray the soil and keep it the light will dry it out..don't let it dry out until your plant gets about 4 inches and has its first real growth leaves..

Then water the soil as you would with regular plants..allowing the soil to almost dry out up to an inch below surface..I usually water when I see the edges of the soil pull away from the pot sides..but for the seedling when it is still just in the baby leaves..keep the surface damp watering or checking it every few hours..keep a light breeze (fan) circulating in the room..not directly on the plants though..especially when they are little. good luck

This is a nine year old thread. And there is no reason to go through all that. I plant directly into soil without any unnecessary fuss. 99.9999999% germination.


Basically a friend got some seeds. One was broken so he germinated it for shits and giggles (his real grow won't go on for another couple of months). Any way he was wondering how large his tap root should be before planting? Right now the seed is cracked open on one end a little with tap root is sticking out the side (I mean it's tiny) but it's a very noticeable germed seed. You think he should wait a day or so more and let the little root get bigger or is it ready for a planting. FYI he's going to either use soil or a small hydro setup just for this one little seedling (would either setup require a differently sized tap root than the other?).
Half in at least..not too much longer or the seed thinks it's a root..I have had some pop their caps and grow through the wet paper towel..almost two inch root..but that's not too good to deal with..I like it so that it has a big enough root but then bury it an inch down with a quarter inch of soil on the little bugger still gets some dark time till it's ready to bust out..usually the seed shell will be hanging off the tip of the leaf when it pops...don't pull the thing off..just water and let it do its thing.


You will compromise the plant's structural integrity at best, and break off the tap root while planting at worst.
Never..just be gentle..this gives the seedling highest survival's only guys with potato fingers that bust roots..I plant oak trees


Well-Known Member
Thats .99999999 percent less than me
Please tell us about your experience with the other 0.00000001%. You must have really done this a lot to be able to have such a large sample size.

To be exact, you would need to have germinated over 10 billion seeds in your life time to be able to come up with this number.
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Please tell us about your experience the other 0.00000001%. You must have really done this a lot to be able to have such a large sample size.

To be exact, you would need to have germinated over 10 billion seeds in your life time to be able to come up with this number.
I'm old