How big should a tap root be for planting?


Well-Known Member
24 hour soak in chlorinated tap water then plant direct to medium :-)
Yeah, I soak mine till the pop then plant them. Of all the plants I killed trying to germ them, this method worked best and I didn't kill any doing this. I found that using a paper towel the taproot grows into it a bit. Just my experience, I am a bit ham handed at times.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I soak mine till the pop then plant them. Of all the plants I killed trying to germ them, this method worked best and I didn't kill any doing this. I found that using a paper towel the taproot grows into it a bit. Just my experience, I am a bit ham handed at times.

Refine your method, the soak is only needed till they sink not pop. Plant when they sink and use a 12 or 24 hour soak so you have a cycle to follow.

Once they sink germination cannot go any faster as they have absorbed max water for that stage.


Well-Known Member
I use a shallow dish, so they don't really sink. I would refine my method, but it works, and I killed to many fucking around before so why mess with it? Maybe when I'm a better grower.


Well-Known Member
I use a shallow dish, so they don't really sink. I would refine my method, but it works, and I killed to many fucking around before so why mess with it? Maybe when I'm a better grower.
Trust that if you use a glass or cup half filled after 12-24 hours they will have sunk to thecbottom or will with a gentle prod.

Try it, this tells you the seed coat has absorbed enough water and can be planted.

This is standard knowledge, you progress by trying it :-)


Well-Known Member
You will compromise the plant's structural integrity at best, and break off the tap root while planting at worst.
I agree the longer you let it grow the more chance of screwing things up. I dont germinate at all anymore. Seeds go in a moist root riot plug and I pinch a little piece of the plug off and cover the hole with it. Go ahead and put it under veg lighting and in the time it would take to germinate in a towel you will have an already sprouted seedling.


Well-Known Member
I agree the longer you let it grow the more chance of screwing things up. I dont germinate at all anymore. Seeds go in a moist root riot plug and I pinch a little piece of the plug off and cover the hole with it. Go ahead and put it under veg lighting and in the time it would take to germinate in a towel you will have an already sprouted seedling.
Get a spare seed, soak root plug, lie seed on top next to hole, make sure pointy end is right over the lip of the hole....

Sit back and watch a seed plant and root itself :-)