How Big Should My Pot Be?


Well-Known Member
How big are trying to get? You can move the plant to a 5g pot now if you want, won't cause any harm.


Well-Known Member
make the bhang lassi one under the recipes... basically... boil 3-4 cups of water... have about 2-3 marijuana leaves(ones where you can see the white thc and maybe even bud) in a separate pot... pour water over leaves and buds, simmer for 10 minutes... when 7-10 mins are up... take the leaves and bud and put in a bowl... simmer 1 cup of milk and pour over leaves and bud... mash up your mixer of milk, leaves and bud until you have a green milky liquid.. strain milk into water.. add honey and you will love the taste and the effect afterwardd.. it takes about an hour to effect. make 3 cups and drink um all...


Well-Known Member
I woudl say transplant into a 5gallon, you could get away with the 3 gallon, but you could go bigger with the 5gal.

Goodlooking plant there mate, keep it up <3


Well-Known Member
alright will do so... should i still use the miracle grow i am using right now... or switch to something else?? stay with potting soil.. organic or something..?