How can i check if i have root rot


Well-Known Member
how can it be lemon juice the first plants that started to get like this i gave just distilled water,then later some pepole told me that distilled water can couse some problems some times then i used my tap lowering the ph whit lemon juice and iosted a qustion here is that safe to use and i didnt get a sigle reply that it can do this


Well-Known Member
The hemp streak virus (HSV) is frequently cited on fiber cultivars in Europe. Foliar symptoms begin as a pale green chlorosis. Chlorotic areas soon develop into a series of interveinal yellow streaks or chevron-stripes. Some-times brown necrotic flecks appear, each fleck surrounded by a pale green halo. Flecks appear along the margins and tips of older leaves and often coalesce. Streak symptoms predominate in moist weather, flecks appear during dry weather. Leaf margins become wrinkled and leaf tips roll upward, leaflets curl into spirals. Whole plants assume a "wavy wilt" appearance.i hope its not this


New Member
You threw me off with the lemon juice. All I can suggest is for you to go get a different brand of soil and transplant. Try to wash off as much of the old dirt as possible so you get clear results.

A virus is just too rare and in that case all you could do is throw out the plants so we don't wanna go there just yet.


Well-Known Member
It isn't a virus. I'm 100% certain. I really doubt root rot as well - pop the plant out of the container and have a look at the roots. white=healthy, brown and mushy=root rot.

My guess is a def. Start giving them a little food - 1/4 strength every other watering.

Btw, I use lemon juice with no problems. It is bad for hydro, but for soil I've never had a problem. I prefer distilled water, but if you want to use tap water be sure and let it sit for a day or two and let some of the chlorine dissipate.

UPDATE--well I see you have used some nutes already, I would start feeding all of them and go back to distilled water for 1/2 of them and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
i did transplant the lr/ak47 in a different soil and they are still dying slow,now i flushed 3 of my small seedlings euphoria and on the other 6 i used some fugicide it can be use to cure or prevent so it cant hurt, its for plasmopora viticola,pythium spp.dont really know what that is but i explained the symptomes at the store and they told me that it could be this,just now i poped a few plants to check the roots and they seem ok to me they are white but not a strong white like when they develope completely but a little transparent and what i see the roots at the bottom as they stick out from the holes the tips seem a little dry and brown and brittle when i touch em they brake easaly, now i dont know is this couse the growth is stuned or is it normal, as i can remember before they wore whiter and more elastic but when i poped the whole plant the rest wasnt brown just a little paler white ,maybe couse they are still undeveloped,tonight im gona take new pics of everything,i have to get the camera


Well-Known Member
Its a deficiency. Its not pythium ( Root rot), its not a virus, its not PH related if you keep it at 6.5, your NPK ratio is a bit too flower based, but should still work. Roots growing out the holes in bottom of pot is totally normal. You also need perlite mixed into your soil for added drainage.


New Member
If you got roots coming out the drainage holes then they are rootbound. That's enough to do it right there. Post some new pics of the plants and their containers so we can get something to go by..... the whole plant, container and all. Even the ones you just started, k? Let's get this shit sorted out right quick.


Well-Known Member
i know that the roots growing through the bottom holes is normal what i was saying is that the ending of the roots seems a little brown and brittle,and how can it be a deficiency after 8 days plus the soil has nutes but not too strong and everybody says that the plant can sustain it self for the first few weeks,and faux u say its root bound ill show u pics of the roots when i take it out the pot theres a lot of free space for the roots and the pots are not that small so it can fill it in 8 first lr/ak47 planted october 5th



Active Member
I was having a similar problem with my little ones, and I found the problem was there wasnt enough air circulation in the area I started them. I got an all natural fungi and bug soap killer, that wont harm the plants or ourself when you smoke their buds. But it got rid of the mold that was forming right away and then I started giving them teracycle fertilizer and the grew right up. It is the most complete fertilizer that I have run across. And its eco-friendly.
Good luck,


Well-Known Member
If you got roots coming out the drainage holes then they are rootbound. That's enough to do it right there. Post some new pics of the plants and their containers so we can get something to go by..... the whole plant, container and all. Even the ones you just started, k? Let's get this shit sorted out right quick.

Its NOT rootbound, look at the size of the plants compared to the pot size. Not rootbound. roots coming out of the drainage holes is completely normal.


Well-Known Member
i got more pics of the roots when their out of the pot but i cant post it somethings wrong whit the server or my comp. any suggestions what to do next,im planting 3 tomato plants just to see if this is gonna get on them and if so then i can take the whole plant to a agricultural institute but thats in 10 days at least,i got to try something else


Well-Known Member
You answered your own question Panta. It LR AK 47!! Trust me, I have grown MANY LR AK's and I would say that they are or can be a bit unstable. Mainly depends on where you got your seeds from.
Does that soil your using contain time released nutes? Like Miracle Grow? You can burn the shit out of a LR AK. They dont need anything for about 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I think you are over doing it with the nutes. Euphoria is showing signs of nute burn. If your soil has nutes, then you need to do nothing but water when needed and wait 3-4 weeks and hope they pull thru. Flushing them only releases more nutes.


Well-Known Member
lr/ak were in the same soil as the euforia is now,and its not a strong soil i wrote this at the beggining of the thread,the soil is called seedling n-p-k 14-16-18 0,7kg/m3 and i grown at least 10 different strains in the same soil an had no problems,i have some organic fert. pellets in the big pots whit the lr/aks but i was told that its almost impossible to burn your plants whit an organic fert npk 3-2-2,and i didnt put alot of it,but they started to go like this when they were in this seedling soil and i gave em distilled water,and if the soil is to strong how come it didnt burn them soon as they sprouted when they were smaller,how is it that they grow all good for the first 8-10 days and then they stop to grow and they show these signs


Well-Known Member
Check the PH of your distilled water....other than that, I am having a hard time following all of this conversation. You seem to have it all down pat with your soil and additives.

Good luck and I hope they all flourish and provide big happy buds :)


Active Member
i cant see the pics but if you have yellow leave it doesnt sound like root rot like faux said its a deficiency, use superthrive it heals most problems, now if your growing in soil and your useing organic feeds DONT ph your water the foods are buffered if your going down the hydro route a ph of 5.8 consistantly, make sure you get 20% run off when watering...