how can i get my card


Active Member
I am in Ann arbor area was wondering what is the easily way yo get approved I have had sever social anxiety for years was on xannax stop seeing Dr Cuz insurance purposes in November now all I want is the card weed works great with my anxiety. What do I do to get this going I'm welling to sell my ps3 to get my card and I am a felon for carrying loaded gun at age 17 back in 06 will that affect me? Please all help how I can get card and how much it will cost. Will be apprated thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
You need to go get your medical records from when you were going to the doctor. Once you have your medical records, take that shit to one of the many places in Ann Arbor that are certification centers and see if that is enough info, how much money do they need to make your ass legal, and do they want to buy a ps3.

I cannot recommend a good clinic in A2, but their is a thread not too far back that does. Good luck.


Active Member
My anxiety is so bad if I'm around 10-15 ppl I get sick throwing up and I have been diagnosis with agoraphobia 5 years ago so since I get sick covered that mau count for sever nausea. Do to this does it sound like I can get a mmmp and if they denied me am I still out of the money and there's a place on s state St any1 know if that clinic will make sure I get it and total after all said n done what will it cost??


Well-Known Member
You should move to the UP, it is pretty hard to find 15 people all at one place. You would be pretty safe.


Active Member
LOL so I just call MT Dr and ask for copys of my records does n e 1 know if I have to have a visit to get then I fora pay 50 buzz Co PO to see the Dr I'd like to just pick up coots of recoards


Well-Known Member
If it's local I would show up. Some charge, some don't. Let me look for the thread with the Ann Arbor certification centers that rollitup members have had good experiences with. Some of those places will get your records for you. It is worth the call and they will either get your records or tell you the best way of obtaining those records. Bottom line is, you need to get those records somehow.


Active Member
Thanks Bro ya I gotta get em do u know if I can grow for myself since I'm a felon and will my record cause me not to get my card??


Well-Known Member
go on craigslist...there are a half dozen docs that will get you a card for 150 $ ....felon means you can not be a caregiver..but you can grow your own 12 plants legally...look under health/beauty section


Active Member
Cool so I need to get my own my mom was gonna make me her care giver good to know I can't my own card it is I gotta get my records is step1 then. A clinic correct


Well-Known Member
I thought only drug felonies stopped you from being a caregiver.

i think you are correct sir...which is sooooooooo fucked up...a fucking turd who served 22 years in the can for rape and kidnap out on parole can be a caregiver but not me:cry:..because i moved a lil coke back in the late 90's when i was a teenager...tell me that ain't retarded


Active Member
My mom made her boyfriend hers and was gonna change it to me when she renews but for what u guys said I'm screwed for a caregiver all good if u can smoke Cary n grow legaly I'm happy ill get my own just gotta get all this together n hope I'm approved if denied do I still botanical pay the 125?


Well-Known Member
nah...that dude is right....your felony is not for are good to go a caregiver..goodluck


Well-Known Member
If House Bill 4851 passes the senate as is (and gets signed by the Gov), Felons of Assaultive crimes won't be able to be caregivers.

If Senate Bill 505 Passes both houses and gets signed by the Governer, All felons would be prohibited from being caregivers.