How can I increase my yield without a degree in Horticulture??


Active Member
I'm looking for some advice on how to maximize my yield. I'm using a 1x1x1.6m budbox with a 400w HID and a 100mm extractor fan with carbon filter, Biobizz ferts and a basic mix of perlite, vermiculite & peat. I've used the same setup 3 times and have had great quality weed each time using various feminised "" seeds but the average yield seems a bit low at about 50 grammes per plant (or maybe its not low, opinions please).
My plants are always very bushy but I'm starting to learn that might be part of the problem. Lower bud sites dont get light and never produce decent sized buds. Ideally I'm looking for a simnple technique rather than changing my setup. I've read a little about SOG & SCROG but is there a simpler way?? I'm still in the novice stage so trying to keep my shit simple!!
By the way, I'm vegging for 3 weeks by the end of which my plants are pretty big & bushy (2 feet on average). Could I reduce this time to keep the plants more squat enabling them to get more light???:peace:


Well-Known Member
you can flower them whenever you want. sounds like you might have better luck flowering sooner.

and 50 grams a plant isnt too bad.


supercropig, topping, lst, scrog, s.o.g., using good nutes, and veging long enuff will all give you good yields


Active Member
Thanks SlikWill13. I'll go into flower sooner this time, maybe between 1 & 2 weeks. They are pretty strong after the 2 weeks seedling stage so I should be ok. I did see something somewhere about growing in a spiral using a Tomato Trellise but being a stoner, I'm a bit lazy and like to keep shit simple!
Thanks SeriousSmoke, no doubt I'll hit you up with some questions after I've read your threads!
Seconds away chitsownsmoking, Round 2! By the time I'd Googled all those fancy high-falutin acronyms I'd probably have lost the will to live.......