How can I insert some form of O2 into the soil? And are there positives/negatives?


Well-Known Member
One way to keep O2 up in soil is to avoid rapid pH swings, or other conditions likely to kill off your microbial life.. By mass, oxygen is actually the most abundant element in the earth's crust, and cyanobacteria etc just love to liberate it from various oxide forms..


Well-Known Member
where do you purchase caco2, and how do you apply it.

also, can you please answer my question from page 1 about conniseur


Well-Known Member
You could make it yourself with quick-lime & water to produce slaked lime (Or start with slaked lime).. Then react (mix) that with h202.. Its a pretty simple reaction to get a decent efficiency.. A 1:1 ratio by mass of slaked lime, and 50% H2O2 would be a decent starting recipe, and add however much water you need to get a good mix, but if you want to dry it, be chincy on the water since heating it isn't ideal.. Incomplete reactions would be fine here, possibly even beneficial, since the initial components, and any random products will occur naturally in nature's soil..