How can i kill mold?

Cut out all visible mold an rot mix 2 cups of 3% peroxide with 2 gals of water dip an gently swirl the buds for 30 seconds hang dry like normal mold spores will be gone bud is safe to smoke.Been doing this for yrs it will pass testing. Be very careful handling moldy buds it can spread very fast I recommend spraying the rot spots with 3% peroxide before even touching.
Can i try to do it now or i have to harvest it first? If i can do it right now , can i use swabs or some soft "spraying" method .
Humidity is about 57 rn . I just messed up in the last 5 days .
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Can i try to do it now or i have to harvest it first? If i can do it right now , can i use swabs or some soft "spraying" method .
Humidity is about 57 rn . I just messed up in the last 5 days .
I would cut any tops with mold showing yes use swabs to hit the rot before trying to remove If your lucky an caught it early rest should be fine. But keep a real close eye on them look for any dead sugar leave in the bud if it pulls out easy its a sign of mold in the bud before we can see it with a naked eye.
Mold grows faster than your plant will mature.. The only way to kill it is to harvest.. Cutting it out is only going to cause it to spread.. Early harvest is better than throwing it all away..
How is mold killed by harvesting? I deal with bud rot every yr for many yrs I rather fight the mold spores to the end then harvest plants that are immature. A simple wash kills the spores on contact, Yes cutting it out not knowing what ya doing can an will spread spores.
I would cut any tops with mold showing yes use swabs to hit the rot before trying to remove If your lucky an caught it early rest should be fine. But keep a real close eye on them look for any dead sugar leave in the bud if it pulls out easy its a sign of mold in the bud before we can see it with a naked eye.
I'm going to use a magnification on this process , i'll go like peroxide > cut > peroxide , i will to hit as far inside as i can , maybe a gently pull on these spots then.
How is mold killed by harvesting? I deal with bud rot every yr for many yrs I rather fight the mold spores to the end then harvest plants that are immature. A simple wash kills the spores on contact, Yes cutting it out not knowing what ya doing can an will spread spores.
I too have dealt with mold for decades.. I have lost whole grows to it.. Tried every product known to man, phycially removed it, washed it, everything you can think of.. I live in a rainforest (120"avg) where mold gets everything..You can fight it, but it wins.. If you harvest and let it hang the mold continues, If you harvest and remove the mold, do a quick dry, the mold is dead.. I would rather have an early harvest than no harvest..
I'm not experienced but it looks too close to harvest . I chop off a small bud to dry and try it .
I would like to know when is ready to harvest but i can't examine it since i don't really know how. All i know is that i still see some white hairs/pistils ?!
Also i cleaned it all up , but i will check it tomorrow as well if i missed anything or any mold appear again from nowhere.
Humidity looks fine . It was a 5 days mistake , i wish it will be ok .
I too have dealt with mold for decades.. I have lost whole grows to it.. Tried every product known to man, phycially removed it, washed it, everything you can think of.. I live in a rainforest (120"avg) where mold gets everything..You can fight it, but it wins.. If you harvest and let it hang the mold continues, If you harvest and remove the mold, do a quick dry, the mold is dead.. I would rather have an early harvest than no harvest..
Well thats your environment a bit extreme but rot can be contained in most of the planet with ho2o an citric acid. I have never seen it in a controlled indoor grow. I get bud rot here in maine every yr on my outs FOG-COOL fall temps I hold it off each yr for weeks with simple ho20 spray 5 bucks a gal who wants quick dried premature weed?
Get a small atomizer bottle like in a glasses cleaning kit. Spray the mold with 3% peroxide, then cut it out, then spray the spot again. Looks like botrytis.
Well thats your environment a bit extreme but rot can be contained in most of the planet with ho2o an citric acid. I have never seen it in a controlled indoor grow. I get bud rot here in maine every yr on my outs FOG-COOL fall temps I hold it off each yr for weeks with simple ho20 spray 5 bucks a gal who wants quick dried premature weed?
Quick dried weed works just fine for edibles or sauve.. I don't smoke moldy weed.. Botrytis can become systemic and spread thru the whole plant..
Quick dried weed works just fine for edibles or sauve.. I don't smoke moldy weed.. Botrytis can become systemic and spread thru the whole plant..
Will it leave signs with cloudy parts that is still there or is already all over ?
The thing about it is, you can't see most of it till you harvest.. If you can see it, spores are already everywhere just waiting to start growing.. 60,000 spores in the size of fingernail.. Indoors you can adjust your environment and fight it.. If it gets outa hand, harvest..
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Bro i haved 90% of my 30 plants infected with mold. Some were so much damaged, that there were nothing left to do, then just “kill” them. Remained plant I left in room, cut 90% of affected leaves/etc. and turned on heavy ozonator . It depends on how big is your room and how powerful is Ozone generator you have. Mine was 12g/h. You should read about how it works, but it helped me . All plants remains alive, they are 1 week from harvest, no signs of mold now.
To be honest i never had problem with humid , it was just bad timing at a core flowering time . I balance the humidity to 57% i can actually lower it more than that . I just want to fight the problem if i can , it feels bad to toss her away at this point , except is crucial that noone can do anything to fight this problem