how can i make my bud more potent? pics**

The buds on my plant are all nice pretty small tho and have alot of white hairs but how can I make the buds more potent? I'm about to repot it because the soil is looking pretty old but what can I get to make the buds grow all crazy and make them more potent? Any ideas on how to and what I should use?


Well-Known Member
I would look into buying some fox farm nutes. Alright, if you don't got any, get some. Since you are already into flowering, get some tiger bloom along with there other bloom boosters they have to offer. It should lighten up the plants mood more haha. Feed it correctly, water it good, and all that. I hear Advanced Nutrients has some damn good bloom boosters like Bud ignitor, bud blood, and such but I have never used them. I was hoping to test out there Iguana nutes one day but whatever. Really its all up to the love you put into growing the plant and the genetics. Good luck though


Well-Known Member
nitrogen = growth, controls photosynthesis capacity(darkness of leaves)

phosphorus = maturity, roots,

potassium: controls respiration, and water and sugar uptake (K is needed for you guys that add molasses and sugar). this stuff fattens buds and makes them rock solid!!!
"Supplementing soil K supply with foliar K applications
to fruit-bearing plants improves fruit quality by increasing
firmness, sugar content, ascorbic acid and betacarotene
-MH cannabis botany 2nd edition naturally



Well-Known Member
Add another heat lamp or 2 :-D

How long u been in flowering? and how do u know how potent it is? don't tell me you plucked some undeveloped nugs. say it aint soooooo! ;)
Lol no I didn't smoke any yet I jus wana make it as potent as possible and where can I buy tiger bloom cuz I'm not tryna order it online


Active Member
I would advise against re-potting your plants during flowering. Stressing plants at this delicate time can have terrible consequences. Unless your plant is root-bound, don't do it.
It looks like a white strain and appears to be at about 3 weeks into 12/12? A sativa like that will flower 10 weeks minimum. If you really want to increase the yield and potency of the bud, definitely get bottle of a reputable bloom booster and perhaps add a little molasses to your water once in a while, too. Still, nothing compares to more light. The brighter the bulb, the bigger the nug.
Ok thanks and the pot I have it in is about 1 gallon you don't think that's too small? I think and your right about how long it's been flowering ( u must b psychic lol) and are u talkin about molasses syrup like for pancakes? And where can I get reputable bloom booster? Or should I get tiger bloom?where can I get these things? Lowes or home depot? And which is better stavia or indica?
Sorry for all the questions


Well-Known Member
A wise man once said, your container should be one gallon for every month of growth. i veg for a month then flower for around 2, 2 1/2. so i use 3 gallon pots. works like a charm
I have some peters super blossom booster plant food it's a water soluble and it's 10-50-10 should I use that I also have some blood meal it's straight nitrogen 12-0-0 should I use either of these


Active Member
For long flowering Sativa varieties, I usually continue to feed them nitrogen (though in declining amounts) throughout the first two or three weeks of flowering. After that, I cut way back on the N and start feeding them nutrients higher in P and K. Personally I use an organic bloom booster (0-10-10). If there's a hydroponics store nearby you can find suitable feeds there. Nitrogen (N) will make your buds taste terrible so be wary of using nutrients which contain it during the late flowering stages. Be sure to flush your soil using only straight water for the last week before the plants are harvested. This will allow them to rid themselves of excess N.
For long flowering Sativa varieties, I usually continue to feed them nitrogen (though in declining amounts) throughout the first two or three weeks of flowering. After that, I cut way back on the N and start feeding them nutrients higher in P and K. Personally I use an organic bloom booster (0-10-10). If there's a hydroponics store nearby you can find suitable feeds there. Nitrogen (N) will make your buds taste terrible so be wary of using nutrients which contain it during the late flowering stages. Be sure to flush your soil using only straight water for the last week before the plants are harvested. This will allow them to rid themselves of excess N.
is this too strong? (peters super blossom booster plant food it's a water soluble and it's 10-50-10)

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
tiger bloom is good.
its an affordable 1part flower nutrient. shouldnt be more than 20$ a liter at your local hydro store.

More light is going to give you more bud.
If you dont have an HPS, consider getting one for next grow.


Well-Known Member
ya get rid of the cfl and get a HID- hps as people have said.
Or, get two more of those big 200watt cfl's and reflectors, shoudl run about $60 for 2 reflectors and the bulbs.

Next time us fox farm ocean forest. I dont use nutes during veg, I use tiger bloom during flowering from bud begining to form to near the end.



Well-Known Member
Go to Fox Farms website, there you can search by state for stores that carry their products. I just bought some Tiger Bloom today (32oz. for 19.99) along with a small jar of Clonex from a store 5 miles from my house. I discovered the store on FF's site.


Active Member
If you're hard up for cash, I suppose it would work. Personally, I like to stay away from synthetic fertilizers, especially during flowering. If you do decide to go ahead and use Peter's for lack of funds, then flush the plants with only water for 10 days before harvest.

hope full

Active Member
ya whats the deal with the mollasis, tips please on it have some pretty ladies on the way (or should i say pretty babies) very young.