How can I maximize my yield at 600watts?

Wait what? Weeks? As in multiple weeks per topping? I've never seen this one happen.
Topping takes time to recover from- no maybe not weeks each time but guess it depends upon how aggressive you are pruning. My point was that you need veg/training time to max out your plants yield potential. How long depends upon external factors like wattage & plant size. That's all I'm saying
Topping takes time to recover from- no maybe not weeks each time but guess it depends upon how aggressive you are pruning. My point was that you need veg/training time to max out your plants yield potential. How long depends upon external factors like wattage & plant size. That's all I'm saying
Yep, you are right. Any stress applied to the plant slows it down for sure, when I bottle neck one I give it 5-7 days recovery. I do not top, but I imagine it would be around the same recovery time or a bit longer.
what's up ! been lurking for a while now and i guess it's time to take part in this quest we are all in together, sharing the knowledge !

I personally put light efficiency and planned root development in first place.
you can spend crazy numbers on a homemade underdriven cree cxb3590's cob fixture.. around 50~65% efficient depending how many cobs and what driver..
or you could do a mh->hps vertical grow which is very cost effective, you could grow with no cooltube and have a fan blow directly up under the bulb or cooltube depending on your local climate.
potassiun silicate is a must for vertical tree growing (can't have the heavy bud branches bending towards the light to much)

and master the first 4 inches of root growth bro.. air prune and get new root shoots.
4" rockwool cubes with no plastic does something that containers do not which is eliminating the tap root and branching way more, bit slow tho compared to water based systems, but worth it.

properly grown roots yield heavy.
Recharge for root health and potassiun silicate for plant strength.

super cropping is the bomb.. technique and frequency depends on si/strain/pheno.

don't quote me on this, just my humble opinion :)

peace out
Zip = 1 oz
Look familiar?
View attachment 3648439
600w hps adjust a wing + various other lights I've collected over the years.
5 plants right under the light in 5 gal cloth pots. They were small when i started them & now they're half done. Should get at least 2 zips per plant.
Medium is mostly promix hp with a little fox farm ocean forest.
Nice plants. What nutes and amendments are you using?
I don't know how true that is. I know the autos have a tap root. I've seen it. I had a male in my autos and had to cull him and he had a tap root.
No tap root in Cannabis plants.
Wtf are you talking about. Mj definitely does have a taproot when grown from seed. Clones never grow a taproot though.
Im doing a DNA Genetics strain now, the last was some bagseed.
Best advice i can give guys to maximize yield under a six hundred is to fill the space in veg. More plants or longer veg. One of the two. Fill the light footprint to the point where your scared its too full, and then flower. You should get a lb off of a six hundred in dwc and just under that with soiless like coco or peat. And to the guy who made fluffy dwc, try a different strain. Some strains dont like dwc at all.
IMG_20160513_174424.jpg Well what I like to do is pinch,pinch,pinch, pinch,pinch and pinch some more lol. I like to pinch! I like fewer and fatter plants but that's just me. This is 1 Cotton Candy Kush that has been "pinched" a bit .600 watt MH 5 gal in roots organics.
What I see and gather is this:
More topping and training
Longer veg (I like my plants to be 2 ft tall before I flip, I top early and often too)
Pack that footprint with plant before you flower like Alienwidow said.
Maybe hang some panda film on the open sides of your space for more reflectivity
How old is your bulb?