wow, the first time i stuck a needle in my arm was in a space-toilet in seattle. I was curious what heroin felt like so I had my buddy who I was traveling with at the time do it for me. i used to be kind of scared of sticking a needle in me, and when he did it I hardly wanted to watch. -----eventually, i became such the junky that the just the act of cooking it up, drawing it into the syringe, finding a vein, tying off, etc, etc...became a ritual that was almost as gratifying as the high itself. hard to explain unless you've ever been there yourself...------ hard to explain to you how i once used to spend sometimes hours at a given time, repeatedly jabbing myself with a needle (and i mean hundreds of times) - not just in my arm - but my legs, feet, groin, neck - because i could not find a vein that was good. . . or recycling all the old blood caked in all the old needles because there is a minute amount of heroin residue leftover and you're so fucking sick, you'll shoot anything - even if just to trick yourself into believing it helps.....anything to distract you from the hell that is withdrawals