How can we achieve a living wage?


Well-Known Member
Rob Roy is so manly that he is too scared to let black people in his store which doesn’t exist because he’s a subsistence farmer on food stamps

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Which part of what I said do you find objectionable or "delusional" ?
Well first off you claim victory where there was no victory to be had, I consider that somewhat delusional. And no nothing you have said is objectionable. Rather it’s actually quite humorous that you haven’t really answered any of my queries, just offered ideologies, not any actual working models. I gotta say if there is a victory to be had, yes you win, it’s hard to debate delusion. I’ll get back to you when you have something of substance to debate.


Well-Known Member
Well first off you claim victory where there was no victory to be had, I consider that somewhat delusional. And no nothing you have said is objectionable. Rather it’s actually quite humorous that you haven’t really answered any of my queries, just offered ideologies, not any actual working models. I gotta say if there is a victory to be had, yes you win, it’s hard to debate delusion. I’ll get back to you when you have something of substance to debate.
He believes without any need for evidence or facts to verify his belief. Hard to argue with a religious conviction.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Well first off you claim victory where there was no victory to be had, I consider that somewhat delusional. And no nothing you have said is objectionable. Rather it’s actually quite humorous that you haven’t really answered any of my queries, just offered ideologies, not any actual working models. I gotta say if there is a victory to be had, yes you win, it’s hard to debate delusion. I’ll get back to you when you have something of substance to debate.


Well-Known Member
Try again.

The difference between a business and a hobby is not the bankroll of the owner.

Customers are the key distinction. Without CUSTOMERS, no one makes any money. Rich people know this very well; it's how they got rich in the first place.

Now, what has America spent the last half century doing to its middle class, the greatest assemblage of customers in human history? That's right. Small wonder things are so fucked here.


Well-Known Member
Try again.

The difference between a business and a hobby is not the bankroll of the owner.

Customers are the key distinction. Without CUSTOMERS, no one makes any money. Rich people know this very well; it's how they got rich in the first place.

Now, what has America spent the last half century doing to its middle class, the greatest assemblage of customers in human history? That's right. Small wonder things are so fucked here.
I agree customers are perhaps the most important thing, but don't you agree that businesses need capital?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Try again.

The difference between a business and a hobby is not the bankroll of the owner.

Customers are the key distinction. Without CUSTOMERS, no one makes any money. Rich people know this very well; it's how they got rich in the first place.

Now, what has America spent the last half century doing to its middle class, the greatest assemblage of customers in human history? That's right. Small wonder things are so fucked here.
The rich certainly do create jobs. They require services and that creates jobs right? Did I say they create all the jobs? And are they not customers? We all create jobs in some way. Why would you single out the rich as not creating jobs? I create less jobs than the wealthy guy next door because he’s useless at anything so needs to hire people. Me on the other hand will fix anything I can and even can’t lol, instead of paying for it.


Well-Known Member
I can reverse that and ask you, what is the point of customers without capital to serve them? Capital is needed for production, labor, marketing, distribution, etc.
Why would you need marketing when there’s already demand from customers?


Well-Known Member
I can reverse that and ask you, what is the point of customers without capital to serve them? Capital is needed for production, labor, marketing, distribution, etc.
Capital is a way to improve productivity but it is not as fundamental a requirement as customers.

To put it another way; Business can do without capital but not without customers.

Rich people aren't nearly as essential as they like to tell us they are. In point of fact, they aren't essential at all.

I'm not against people gaining wealth. I'm against wealthy people using their money to corrupt politics and Nations.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Capital is a way to improve productivity but it is not as fundamental a requirement as customers.

To put it another way; Business can do without capital but not without customers.

Rich people aren't nearly as essential as they like to tell us they are. In point of fact, they aren't essential at all.

I'm not against people gaining wealth. I'm against wealthy people using their money to corrupt politics and Nations.
What is your definition of wealthy, it’s an honest question, I’m just curious as to what you classify as wealthy. My definition of wealthy is the ability to support your lifestyle you’re accustom to even if your not working by choice/or not, more of a happy than wealthy I guess. By that definition, a living wage would provide wealth for some. And I agree anytime there is corruption democracy takes a hit. The amount of money involved is really the determining factor of the damage inflicted. The unfortunate part of this is, nothing will change, votes have been bought one way or another since the dawn of democracy (I use that term loosely).