How Can You Raise Your Ph...Soil To Acidic


Active Member
my ph is roughly 5.5.I would like to raise it as I was told I might be at risk of potassium and cal-mag can I do this?My water seems to be more alkaline but I have not seen any change.need something to add to it or give it a boost!!my first grow so I went with miracle gro moisture control,18-10-10 and I transplanted into it
about 2 and a half weeks ago.


You need a Ph Tester Kit and add some PH up.



Active Member
sweet....small town canada took me two weeks to get a ph tester hahaha and its not even really what I need.I need numbers on a meter....Im colorblind!Ive tried with the color coded paper and solutions...just cant match the colors properly.Had a friend tell me what color it was which is why I know I am low.I will see if I can get some ph up sled delivery or something haha.. thanx man!!


Well-Known Member
Dolomite lime will cure what ails ya.

Or, garden lime, or agricultural lime, just NOT hydrated lime.

Even small towns should have some lime. Lowes, HD, Garden shops, or Feed & Seed stores.

Very cheap also. ~$5 for a 40lb bag here.



Active Member
found the exact same shit as in the video...had to drive for four hours but damn it I found it!!!Ph problem solved!!