How close are we?


Active Member
0DED0FA4-EF37-41AF-B0F5-147918238CC8.jpeg50% Sativa growing outdoors. Based on when flowering commenced I predicted an Oct 1st harvest but these seem close to prime. Appreciate your thoughts? I’m on a large property but the smell covers 50 yards and the sweet corn crop it’s hiding in met its Fall death prematurely. Most pistils are brown and curely, but even when looking at pictures online, all trichomes look clear to me; I can never see that the pics of perfectly ready to harvest trichomes seem clear to me. With 30x magnifying on these I’m likewise not seeing milky or opaque colors. Your thoughts on how much longer these need will be much appreciated!


Weed Modifier
did you look at trichomes with scope?
My guess, they are all clear and immature.

If I thought it was done in two weeks I'd say its getting close. But your just starting flowering, so wait at least a month, then you'll be closer to the finish but probably still not even close :D

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Man I hope it’s not a month. But thanks. A bit more perspective in the pic below. Wish I’d planted the corn later because a month from now what little camouflage it offers today will be gone.
I have hidden plants with a piece of snow fence plenty of times
Ya just bend her down and lay some weight on her
You will lose a few buds but no one will see your girl


Active Member
I like the snow fence idea. I cut these things back several times early this summer and if I hadn’t The plants would be at least 70 ft tall. Maybe even 100. I may be able to tie them down a bit more but not much.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I like the snow fence idea. I cut these things back several times early this summer and if I hadn’t The plants would be at least 70 ft tall. Maybe even 100. I may be able to tie them down a bit more but not much.
You can tie them down but if you go fishing you better take a tape measurer with you
I think your guesses at length tend to be a bit off:o:)

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
BTW when ya lay her down some stalks will snap
as long as the outside skin is intact they will recover in a couple days like it never even happened