How close can a t5 be to canopy??


Well-Known Member

2 or 4 ft and how many bulbs?

I run a 4ft 8 bulb fixture. The bulbs are double stacked. Its like 15 inches wide. I'm running 8 bulbs in the same size most run four.

About ten inches is it for me. Any closer and it fries them. I'm also running UV though.
6" is a good distance for T5 lighting. Veg or Flower either one. should always double your light in flower. Example: you have a 48--4' 8 bulb assembly. You veg using 4 center bulbs . Use all 8 bulbs for flower. Alternate spectrums---full spectrum. Gives more influence to those certain characteristics you are looking for. Tighter. Frostier. Oilier. Gardener talent prevails here. Blue-red-blue-red-etc......