How close do these ladies look?


Well-Known Member
Thank you :) I only wish I had an idea as to the strain ;). I'm planning on just plain water from here on. Anything thing else crucial for the last stage of flowering I may be missing?
Im a fan of about quarter strength for the last two weeks and molasses. I dont think you fed too hard. Theres a few tips that burnt but for a first run you aced it. Now just make sure you dry and cure it right. And dont put it into jars until its really dry or itll mold.


is that a high CBD strain especially for epilepsy? i've read some very positive stories about how seizures can be greatly reduced with MJ.
No- it is actually just bagseed. 8 out of 8 were female... So My hypothesis is that this wasnt regular bagseed- it was from a plant that sprouted nanners at end and self pollinated. That is the only way I can figure getting 100% female unless someone has a better working theory. So at any rate- My thought process was that I am not going to go out and spend a bunch of money on equipment and seeds until I tried it first on the cheap. I had no idea if this was something I could do. But my sons have been on nearly every anti-epileptic drug there is, and I am so excited to finally be able to try this for them. My 3 year old is more severe- so we are starting with him. The meds will cost us over 500 every month, so this is really the only way we can afford this on a long term basis. Our insurance company isnt exactly trip over themselves running to cover new meds- particularly ones still prohibited federally... :/