How close till harvest


Active Member
I picked up this plant while it was already a teen and I'm not sure how close it is till harvest. Can anyone help me? I know the leaves are slightly turning yellow, which shows that it's close (Correct me if I'm wrong). Looking for other opinions as well, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! If I need better pictures let me know as well! Thanks!IMG_1434.JPG IMG_1438.JPG IMG_1439.JPG
Sure it's yours?
yeah, it's mine. I have a valid recommendation. I've done quite a few harvests in my backyard, but I've been pulling too early. usually I wait till leaves yellow and about 70% of hairs or orange then I pick it, but it seems i'm picking too early every time. Caterpillars crushed my harvest last year, but I got that under control this year.