how close


Active Member
ouch ... you cant get a 600 very close without some air moving across (through) it .. or that will happen .


Active Member
ouch ... you cant get a 600 very close without some air moving across (through) it .. or that will happen .
ive just been on holiday and a friend who has been growing for about 5 years now moved my light to cant be no more than 2-3 inches away from the plants because some of them werent growing, but they were all green when i went and now they look dead, will stick some pics up when i take some


Active Member
thats not just the tops ... overheating in general causes that .... you may save a few of those though - but the worst is probally a gonner ... sry.I would guess overheating and lack of water combined to do this to your babies .....


Well-Known Member
Pots a pretty reslient plant. I grow in a small cabinet & have made the dreaded Crispy Chronic on occation. Your ARE pretty bad, but I wouldnt give up home.

remove ALL brown crap, cut it off. This will stop the plant from wasting energy trying to heal itself & will use that energy to grow what's left on.

Good luck & I think it will turn out much better that you think it will. I assume you have fixed the over heating issue. Of course do that first!


Light distance is relative because it is the temperature underneath the lamp that matters not the exact distance. Keep temps at the plants top at a max of 85 degrees F. To me, looks like the room is just too hot in general, if it was just from the lights, it would be burnt only on the tops. You need to focus on some good ventilation if you are gonna be burning a 600w in that small space. I wouldn't necessarily blame your friend, looks like the room needs to be resigned with ventilation or you need to run the A/C for the summer months. As for saving it, the only growth that is gonna produce are the new tops that grow out of those half dead plants, so its gonna be like starting over anyway. Might wanna grab some new clones and just veg them for 30 days, you'd be about in the same spot either way. If you do elect to save them, you are gonna need to veg it out fairly long so you might be running into some height issues as well.