
I'm growing for the first time and the jury is still out. So I started a plant from a seed germinated in a paper towel till it sprouted. I believe it is Larry OG but not 100% on that cuz I found it as a loner in a gram from the New Mexico dispensary. Every once in a long while I'd find a lone seed and keep it in the container so I'd remember which strain it was. So I planted it in cheap miracle grow for veggies soil on my dryer in a poorly ventilated, not well temperature regulated room with woefully insufficient light source. It struggled all winter (if it were an animal I'd definitely be in jail for mistreatment or abuse) and looked all but done for before I planted it outside in Connecticut in early June. It had been alive (I hesitate to say growing) from about August so roughly 10 months and was only about a foot tall if that with canoeing leaves and a pitifully pale hue. It took well although I kept no records on its progress. I watered it regularly and twice just added more bagged soil to the ground under the plant but gave no nutrients or anything and did no pruning. Its now September and the plant is nearly 6 feet tall. It looks and smells beautiful and I haven't had any real problems. There are a few leaves, maybe 3 or 4, that were snacked on by, I assume, caterpillars and there was one pair of branch arms that browned, wilted, and died right about when buds first showed up but I have no idea why. They are very low and, excuse my ignorance of terms, but what I might call sister or complimentary branches in that they grow at the same height and at the same time but on opposite sides of the main stalk from one another. Anyway the buds are coming along nicely I think. I'm not opposed to all of the methods and products out there and have no doubt they'd probably increase yield and whatnot i just wanted to try it out. Its just started to get cold here however and I'm not sure what to do next. Some research says it won't be ready til mid October but we've had snow here in the past by then some years. Will the colder weather destroy the plant if its too extreme or just impact the yield? Its nighttime now so I'll get some pics tomorrow and post them. Thanks for any insight. Don't let the man get you down