How Cold Can Cannabis Tolerate?

I live in inland NW WA, depending on the year i will let my plants go till november, frost and freeze is fine if it is sparatic, 3 or more days/nights in a row will be harmful, but in my personal experience (10+ years growing exp) as long as you pay attention to weather and give them water before low temps you'll be A-OK. Ps- this is just my personal experience, not a fact!
High :-) I'm growing for the first time and the jury is still out. So I started a plant from a seed germinated in a paper towel till it sprouted. I believe it is Larry OG but not 100% on that cuz I found it as a loner in a gram from the New Mexico dispensary. Every once in a long while I'd find a lone seed and keep it in the container so I'd remember which strain it was. So I planted it in cheap miracle grow for veggies soil on my dryer in a poorly ventilated, not well temperature regulated room with woefully insufficient light source. It struggled all winter (if it were an animal I'd definitely be in jail for mistreatment or abuse) and looked all but done for before I planted it outside in Connecticut in early June. It had been alive (I hesitate to say growing) from about August so roughly 10 months and was only about a foot tall if that with canoeing leaves and a pitifully pale hue. It took well although I kept no records on its progress. I watered it regularly and twice just added more bagged soil to the ground under the plant but gave no nutrients or anything and did no pruning. Its now September and the plant is nearly 6 feet tall. It looks and smells beautiful and I haven't had any real problems. There are a few leaves, maybe 3 or 4, that were snacked on by, I assume, caterpillars and there was one pair of branch arms that browned, wilted, and died right about when buds first showed up but I have no idea why. They are very low and, excuse my ignorance of terms, but what I might call sister or complimentary branches in that they grow at the same height and at the same time but on opposite sides of the main stalk from one another. Anyway the buds are coming along nicely I think. I'm not opposed to all of the methods and products out there and have no doubt they'd probably increase yield and whatnot i just wanted to try it out. Its just started to get cold here however and I'm not sure what to do next. Some research says it won't be ready til mid October but we've had snow here in the past by then some years. Will the colder weather destroy the plant if its too extreme or just impact the yield? Its nighttime now so I'll get some pics tomorrow and post them. Thanks for any insight. Don't let the man get you down :-)
High :-) I'm growing for the first time and the jury is still out. So I started a plant from a seed germinated in a paper towel till it sprouted. I believe it is Larry OG but not 100% on that cuz I found it as a loner in a gram from the New Mexico dispensary. Every once in a long while I'd find a lone seed and keep it in the container so I'd remember which strain it was. So I planted it in cheap miracle grow for veggies soil on my dryer in a poorly ventilated, not well temperature regulated room with woefully insufficient light source. It struggled all winter (if it were an animal I'd definitely be in jail for mistreatment or abuse) and looked all but done for before I planted it outside in Connecticut in early June. It had been alive (I hesitate to say growing) from about August so roughly 10 months and was only about a foot tall if that with canoeing leaves and a pitifully pale hue. It took well although I kept no records on its progress. I watered it regularly and twice just added more bagged soil to the ground under the plant but gave no nutrients or anything and did no pruning. Its now September and the plant is nearly 6 feet tall. It looks and smells beautiful and I haven't had any real problems. There are a few leaves, maybe 3 or 4, that were snacked on by, I assume, caterpillars and there was one pair of branch arms that browned, wilted, and died right about when buds first showed up but I have no idea why. They are very low and, excuse my ignorance of terms, but what I might call sister or complimentary branches in that they grow at the same height and at the same time but on opposite sides of the main stalk from one another. Anyway the buds are coming along nicely I think. I'm not opposed to all of the methods and products out there and have no doubt they'd probably increase yield and whatnot i just wanted to try it out. Its just started to get cold here however and I'm not sure what to do next. Some research says it won't be ready til mid October but we've had snow here in the past by then some years. Will the colder weather destroy the plant if its too extreme or just impact the yield? Its nighttime now so I'll get some pics tomorrow and post them. Thanks for any insight. Don't let the man get you down :-)
I wasn't going to respond since this was such an old thread....but you made me laugh several times so I will answer.

As long as it isn't a hard frost .... your plant will be fine (given that it is well watered and roots are insulated)
Snow happens and you just got to shake the snow off.
You really want to look for brown leaves coming out of the bud (this means bud rot is starting and has to be dealt with ASAP)

your soil already has nutes in it...and your branches probably died if they were either broke ...or a bug got to it.

P.s. mine go through a couple frosts every yr and they do fine...They just look wilted til the sun comes up and then they spring back to life
Sweet! Thanks a metric ton for the reply GG. I wish I'd documented the whole process cuz it was pretty miraculous that it took root at all let alone seems to be thriving. I know next time I'll try to do everything all professional-like and just fail miserably. Lol. Thanks again. If you need any advice in the future just lemme know. My areas of expertise are training puppies and that thing where when you're walking and you almost run into someone and then you both step the same way then again the other way then both laugh then do it once more then say "You go ahead" at the same time. I'm kinda great at it so don't hesitate to ask. Peace :-)
Sweet! Thanks a metric ton for the reply GG. I wish I'd documented the whole process cuz it was pretty miraculous that it took root at all let alone seems to be thriving. I know next time I'll try to do everything all professional-like and just fail miserably. Lol. Thanks again. If you need any advice in the future just lemme know. My areas of expertise are training puppies and that thing where when you're walking and you almost run into someone and then you both step the same way then again the other way then both laugh then do it once more then say "You go ahead" at the same time. I'm kinda great at it so don't hesitate to ask. Peace :-)
Lmao... I will keep that in mind lmao
further along this line, does frost actually burst/destroy trichomes or just degrade bud texture/flavor? I guess this could be simplified to "does anyone know the water content of trichomes?"
Trichoms are not water soluable. They will however be more likely to break off in cold, windy conditions. That's one of the reasons indoor weed is usually stronger than outdoor, although i know a Grower here in South Eastern Michigan that routinely produces +26% Hindu Kush, outdoors, every year.
this is an excellent question. I think since I am also importing/exporting tropical fish as a hobby, not a business, I get those styrofoam boxes. Local fish stores just throw them away, or I guess you could asked for them, or make your own. It is just time consuming, but my plant is just to cover them with styrofoam boxes when it gets really cold...

But it's good to know that Cannabis could tolerate colder winters. Someone said that they could not survive anything below freezing (32F)...but now someone is saying that if you could water on evenings, they should be OK. I'm going to keep track of how cold they can handle, since I am in so cal, 40-50 degree F weather might not be a good test...I'll put one in the freezer...HEHEHEH

just kidding about the freezer
I know outdoor growers here in Michigan that harvest late October/ November. By then we've had more than a few frosty mornings. One guy's Hindu Kush has tested as high as 28.6%! OUTDOORS... That's cold ass Michigan and not California.
Howdy guys I live in upper Maine and already have had temps in the 34 degree range. This is my first time growing up here so everything is new. I planted seedling three foot apart only to find out now that they are too close together and somewhat crowded...oh well live and learn. Been keeping an eye on the plants and already harvested on that the trichomes had turned milky and some amber (Frisian Dew) and the buds are STICKY as all get out. The other Dew plant, the flower is beginning to turn purple and the trichomes are still clear. I also have Night Nurse, Blueberry, Northern Light Blue and Blue Wizard but they are just starting to flower...maybe a couple of weeks into it, time will tell what I end up with. Next year for sure I will plant at least 6 feet apart. All the plants except one the critters dug up and I replanted are all over 8 feet tall and all of the eight remaining plants are doing nicely. I will keep you all posted on the outcome.
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Howdy guys I live in upper Maine and already have had temps in the 34 degree range. This is my first time growing up here so everything is new. I planted seedling three foot apart only to find out now that they are too close together and somewhat crowded...oh well live and learn. Been keeping an eye on the plants and already harvested on that the trichomes had turned milky and some amber (Frisian Dew) and the buds are STICKY as all get out. The other Dew plant, the flower is beginning to turn purple and the trichomes are still clear. I also have Night Nurse, Blueberry, Northern Light Blue and Blue Wizard but they are just starting to flower...maybe a couple of weeks into it, time will tell what I end up with. Next year for sure I will plant at least 6 feet apart. All the plants except one the critters dug up and I replanted are all over 8 feet tall and all of the eight remaining plants are doing nicely. I will keep you all posted on the outcome.
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Kinda looks like you had longer to go. You should check trichomes from the calyx not the leaf because they mature way faster on the leaf giving you a false reading.
yes I know they are still growing... I figure another couple of weeks at the least
So now it's 4+ weeks later. Your pics of buds up close looked like mine did a month ago. Wondering if you harvested yet. Mine are 50/50 hybrids so the expected 32° tonight had me freakin out until reading this thread. I feel safe for a couple weeks as long as temps stay above 31°. Here in SW Mich I'm lucky if it gets over 55° the rest of 2018.
So now it's 4+ weeks later. Your pics of buds up close looked like mine did a month ago. Wondering if you harvested yet. Mine are 50/50 hybrids so the expected 32° tonight had me freakin out until reading this thread. I feel safe for a couple weeks as long as temps stay above 31°. Here in SW Mich I'm lucky if it gets over 55° the rest of 2018.
The cold finally got to mine ...but it took 25 degrees for 12+ hours to finally affect them. If a cold snap doesn't last for more then a few hours they do great.
So now it's 4+ weeks later. Your pics of buds up close looked like mine did a month ago. Wondering if you harvested yet. Mine are 50/50 hybrids so the expected 32° tonight had me freakin out until reading this thread. I feel safe for a couple weeks as long as temps stay above 31°. Here in SW Mich I'm lucky if it gets over 55° the rest of 2018.
No bud rot yet? Im in SW Ontario and had to chop about 1/2 my plants this past weekendas i was finding bud rot.
Ive been checking the remaining plants each day and no rot yet.
Probably chopping the rest this sunday.
it all depends on the strain
so far this year we went down to -10 had 3 feet of snow and this week we are back to 20c this all happened in the past 3 weeks plants are fine just needed some covering if you work with your plants they can take lots of cold
Uuuum what is the point for the extra grow time ? I know sun time lengthens and shortens in cali too even tho i live way north. You can do whatever ya want but its what the plant wants to do there tricumb, speaking a tricumbs when they get clear and r as hard as a dick when my old lady looks like she looks's time...when r days longer in cali or is it 6am light and 6 pm dark all the time? when is it 5am light and 8 pm dark? 12 to bud and more to grow right,,and anyone can argue this point all they want but when the light cycle becomes 12 hours or less they begin flower stage...i grow in dirt again now but indoors( never seen the point a outdoors unless major)...more controlled light and enviro but never the less, same same...8 - 10 weeks....and we can jump up and down, scream or whisper jesus thats the way it is.....if i was you in that area and all year around I would veg indoors a little while(2 weeks at 5am on and 11 pm off light) then plant em, up productivity and even all year round even in the short light season, this way ya can maxiamize your minimize and have better bud....cause when lucy in the sky with diamands starts to sparkle...its time
Dude if you are harvesting your plants when the trichomes are clear, you are harvesting WAY, WAY TOO EARLY!!! You are supposed to harvest when at least 75-80% of the trichomes have turned an amber color