how cold to to cold


Active Member
sup guys working on my 2ed grow about 9days shy mo in soil and i wasent sure i see temp rang i see from my high time grow dvds are 74-78 but they says it can drop 10 degress in dark but what about they day sometimes it can be around 64-67 on hot ass day cuz the ac ;0 it wanted to know if they maybe kind why it seems like mu leaf has a little of curle to it check out updated pic from last night in my grow log pz trickster bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:peace::peace::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Im in the loft/attic and during summer im constanly battling heat! Im sure it can drop up to 15 at night! example: so if your at 75 during sun it can drop to 60 without to much stress!!


Well-Known Member
Flowering female plants can usually survive 1 degree F below freezing. Males are not so lucky.

As long as it doesn't freeze your plants will be just fine. Shock occurs from rapid temperature fluctuations. If it's a gradual change there's not really any harm done.


Active Member
ok thats cool i just wanted to know be bacause it can change so much like today its 99 outside like 78 in growroom