How Come So Many Bernie Bros Are Women and People of Color?

Then show your work

You said "every part", so explain why you disagree with the fact that candidates in America need to run on one side of the two party system in order to hope to be successful in winning their elections. That third party candidates statistically can't win, which is why you levy this charge against Sanders in the first place, because you know he's a threat

Then why did Donna Brazile pen an article in Politico entitled "Hillary Clinton's secret takeover of the DNC"?

Seems pretty self explanatory. So do you hold Politico at fault for the title, Brazile at fault for the expose, the readers at fault for buying it, what?
Not sure I've ever come across anything that's fallen flatter than that
A test: Please identify the tone deaf, patronizing and insulting text from a Bernie Sanders speech made during a town hall meeting that was held to commemorate the life of Martin Luther King on the day of the 50th anniversary of his assassination.

"The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure," Sanders told the audience. "People sometimes don't see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama, who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012."

Sanders added, "He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy. But behind that reality, over the last 10 years, Democrats have lost about 1,000 seats in state legislatures all across this country."

As on person tweeted:

Bullied Birther's Blonde Bigotry Be Best@BravenakBlog

I just have one question for Bernie Sanders...

While Democrats and the charismatic Barack Obama were "failing" all over the place for the past 15 years...

What the fuck were YOU getting accomplished?

Please identify the tone deaf, patronizing and insulting text from a Bernie Sanders speech made during a town hall meeting that was held to commemorate the life of Martin Luther King on the day of the 50th anniversary of his assassination.
That's something your side fabricated because you can't argue against the actual policy positions Sanders has been advocating for for the past 3 years publicly. You've co-opted identity politics and have tried to turn it into the focus of your selected corporate Democrats campaign against the actual progressive with popular policy proposals (Bernie Sanders). Which is funny since you outright dismiss him as a fringe candidate. It's clear establishment Democrats recognize Sanders as their biggest threat to the 2020 nomination against someone like Harris, Booker, or Gillibrand.

Establishment Democrats would rather lose to Trump than let Sanders win

"The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure," Sanders told the audience. "People sometimes don't see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama, who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012."

Sanders added, "He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy. But behind that reality, over the last 10 years, Democrats have lost about 1,000 seats in state legislatures all across this country."

As on person tweeted:
You should stop following idiots on Twitter and citing them as examples to support the points you make on RIU... Followup, you should probably actually read the articles you choose to cite before you post them to make your post to try to look cool on RIU..

You said a bunch of stuff. All of it fell in to one of two categories. Those two categories are opinion and speculation, hence my conclusion.
You said "Bernie should run as an Independent!"

I told you "Listen ignorant retard, the two party system was set up specifically to deny access to third party candidates, that's why nobody runs as third party", do ya get it?

You told me you did, yet here you are crying about it later...

You, and others, want(ed) Sanders to run third party because you know as well as we(he) does it's an inherent handicap. We don't because we think he will win, you do because you think he will win, without cheating. That's why you're currently doing everything in your power to get him out of the race. You know he will win if he runs, and he's definitely going to run.

So good luck. See you in the primaries with your weak ass candidate
You said "Bernie should run as an Independent!"

I told you "Listen ignorant retard, the two party system was set up specifically to deny access to third party candidates, that's why nobody runs as third party", do ya get it?

You told me you did, yet here you are crying about it later...

You, and others, want(ed) Sanders to run third party because you know as well as we(he) does it's an inherent handicap. We don't because we think he will win, you do because you think he will win, without cheating. That's why you're currently doing everything in your power to get him out of the race. You know he will win if he runs, and he's definitely going to run.

So good luck. See you in the primaries with your weak ass candidate
History disagrees with your asinine assertion that one must be nominated by the DNC to be elected president. Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln both were at the time of their elections third party candidates. Are you suggesting that Bernard is not as popular as you have been insisting since 2014? I mean that was a full two years before he lost last time. You have a couple of years to see it happen again.

If the DNC breaks its own bylaws and nominates an outsider to represent them, I will bite the bullet and vote for him just to be pragmatic and defeat the GOP.

If he is as popular as you say, he should just run as an Independent or Green. I don't think he actually wants to be president though.
That's something your side fabricated because you can't argue against the actual policy positions Sanders has been advocating for for the past 3 years publicly. You've co-opted identity politics and have tried to turn it into the focus of your selected corporate Democrats campaign against the actual progressive with popular policy proposals (Bernie Sanders). Which is funny since you outright dismiss him as a fringe candidate. It's clear establishment Democrats recognize Sanders as their biggest threat to the 2020 nomination against someone like Harris, Booker, or Gillibrand.

Establishment Democrats would rather lose to Trump than let Sanders win

"The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure," Sanders told the audience. "People sometimes don't see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama, who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012."

Sanders added, "He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy. But behind that reality, over the last 10 years, Democrats have lost about 1,000 seats in state legislatures all across this country."

You should stop following idiots on Twitter and citing them as examples to support the points you make on RIU... Followup, you should probably actually read the articles you choose to cite before you post them to make your post to try to look cool on RIU..
Uh, no

LOL, Sanders really did say those things. It wasn't some twitter person, it was Sanders himself. I guess you didn't like the direct quotes. Come to think about it, I didn't like them either.

Sanders insulted a lot of people who revered Obama as an important leader. There was no conspiracy that caused him to lose the south in 2016 by double digit margins. The main factor was Sanders tone deaf and ignorant treatment of issues that are particular to black people. He's going to get thrashed in the south again.
WTF is people of color ? Are white people transparent or ghost or something ?

Dear white people,
When I was born I was black, when I grew up I was black, when I'm sick I'm black, when I go out in the sun I'm black, when I'm cold I'll be black, and when I die I'll be black. But you, when you where born you were pink, when you grew up you were white, when you go out in the sun you turn red, when you're cold you turn blue, and when you die you'll turn purple/black. And you have the nerve to call me colored?

Omg that shit rate here had me fucking straight crying I was laughing so God damn hard!! Priceless.
Uh, no

LOL, Sanders really did say those things. It wasn't some twitter person, it was Sanders himself. I guess you didn't like the direct quotes. Come to think about it, I didn't like them either.

Sanders insulted a lot of people who revered Obama as an important leader. There was no conspiracy that caused him to lose the south in 2016 by double digit margins. The main factor was Sanders tone deaf and ignorant treatment of issues that are particular to black people. He's going to get thrashed in the south again.
Is that why Sanders polls highest amongst minorities?
"Despite data to the contrary, the media continues to distort Sanders' politics and the diversity of his supporters

A recent CNN poll shows that among potential Democratic candidates in Iowa caucuses Senator Bernie Sanders has the highest approval rating from people of color. And the diversity of the Sanders-inspired left was on display at the Sanders Institute Gathering in Burlington Vermont earlier this month, which I covered my podcast, The Katie Halper Show.

But empirical evidence has not stopped much of the corporate press—including many "liberal" or "progressive" outlets and commentators—from condemning the senator as having "a race problem."
Over the past week we saw Jonathan Martin of the New York Times (who happens to be white) claim that Sanders "has done little to broaden his political circle and has struggled to expand his appeal beyond his base of primarily white supporters." Meanwhile, Clara Jeffery, the editor-in-chief of Mother Jones (also white), recently presented not only Sanders' supporters but the left movement in general as white. Linking to a written exchange between two Splinter journalists about Sanders, she tweeted, "In which white lefties have a debate that somehow does not discuss the fact that Bernie has no real purchase among the POC base of the Democratic party. And that problem has not improved for him, if anything it seems larger…""


even though msnbc would have you believe it's uncle joe..they did the same shit with we go again..totally skirted around any mention of bernie..spoke about everyone but.

im thinking a bernie/beto ticket or vice versa.
The problem with Sanders was never his message. His problem has always been that he looks like an unmade bed and has the charisma of a toilet brush.

he's not lead star in a hollywood moooooooveeeeeeee..get real, he works for the people.



you have your own personal jim crow brand of discrimination..not for black populace only.

his hair is unkempt:lol: so was some other brilliance that brought so much to so you recognize him?


you know he had a closet of suits all the same, so he didn't waste time in the morning trying to decide what to wear. some would think that odd.

it was brilliant.

trump is a treasonweasel..but sanders' hair.

clinton's don't own the black vote and are as dirty as the day is long..but sanders' hair.

our #3 pelosi is one year older than sanders..but sanders' hair.

uncle joe is anita hill and creepy pedo photos with kids..but sanders' hair.

bernie/beto would be unstoppable...bernie 8; beto 8.
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2016 Democratic primary map: The yellow states are where most of the people of color are, the green states are the ones Bernie won (though some of the caucus states like Wa he received way fewer actual votes)


the password is..clinton.

who rigged the 2016 dem primary with a media and dnc assist?

'i want to be president but i don't want to run (campaign)' -coronation candidate hillary clinton on 2020 and 2016.
You continue to lie.

Not surprised.
Brazile: I found no evidence Democratic primary was rigged

she flip much would you like to wager i can find her saying the exact opposite?

she had a very short 'come to jesus' period just after it happened and she threw DWS under the Scooby bus so fast it left skid marks..then she backpeddled and changed the story.

fair warning there's YT of her saying it.
Why doesn't Bernie shake up things and run on his own platform? How could his supporters not be upset with a guy claiming to be against the establishment but runs on the two party system/ asked his backers to vote for a candidate whom they claimed cheated with help of the DNC.