How could you define "light leak"


Well-Known Member
Hello ppl, i ve been reading in the forums for so long the term light leak, ok i understand that by this term you mean that light is leaking inside the growroom on the dark period of flowering, but how would you explain light leak? I guess the plant gets stressed because it receive light so it's forced to produce clorophil while resting. So i guess you could only have a light leak if the source of the light that is leaking inside the room is at a wavelength a mj plant could utilise to produce chlorophyl right? So an incadescent lamp wouldn't cause light leak at the point of herming a plant out so would happen if you have an isolated green wavelenght source like a led.. To conclude i was thinking of adding green LEDs inside my room in order to inspect plants while dark.. any ideas? discus

ps sorry for my english..


Well-Known Member
light leak is a no no, I always put a shirt at the bottom of my closet door just to be sure that NO light cant leak threw, A light leak will cause your plant become confused, when you are giving it light when its sleeping your basically disrupting your plant's cycle and can cause it go back into vegging or turn hermie. I remember this dood in my apartments was growing a huge ass plant in an aerogarden, had hps and everything, but he kept on trying to show off his shit and would turn on the light to show people his plant when it was sleeeping(fucking idiot) it WAS a female had pistils everywhere, but a few weeks later it turned 90% male and there was pollen everywhere. Just make sure you have no light leak and you won't have to worry about shit.


Well-Known Member
Actually, incandescent lights have a really good spectrum for growing, but the efficiency is so terrible that they aren't practical. Just about any "light leak" will screw them up badly, even if it isn't the best spectrum. It's definitely not something to play around with, because once the bloom process has started, an interruption of that will wreak havoc, and even if they don't go hermie, it could really reduce your yield. I had it happen once, and ended up with a buch of fluffy buds. Not cool.


Well-Known Member
well most HUMANS can read a NEWSPAPER in the dark cycles of a plant, think of full moons, the brightness of stars at night outdoors. i use a thin red sheet to cover my flowering room in my closet, and ive done 6-7 grows now like that, with set of floro tubes right next to it. never had a hermie. *knocks on wood*

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
it's pretty simple. during lights out, leave the plants alone. before you begin a grow, go inside and check for leaks when things are closed up. you can use a green light, but you have the entire lights on period to mess with the plants.


Well-Known Member
Great info people but what fuzzy budz said confused me a bit, can u be a bit more clear with the first part?

Just to make clear , atm i m growing my 5th lady , everything gone well till now, no light leaks etc. but i m just curious how things work.. Any feedback is apreciated.