How crazy is slavery?!


Well-Known Member
Central to the idea of slavery is the tangible, express contract of ownership. Without that, it is simple metaphor, with no barrier to its dilution. cn
There is no fine line to define the term slave, as there are several different types, all of which are a form of bondage.

Chattel Slavery - no rights, all ownership for self is invalid
Debt Bondage - can actually span generations
Pawnship - an interfamily bondage agreement
Forced Labor - work for me or suffer my wrath
Serfdom - a land bound type of bondage

It is a bit broader than that of course, but the jest is, slavery is a wide road and is getting broader every day.


When I cannot cross an empty street because the law states that I can only cross the street when the flipping walk-signal turns green, I feel like I am being oppressed by the law, I feel like I'm being forced to be a slave, and it feels like the system expects you to abide by rules that have been put into place for stupid robots who cannot check for them selves if the street is safe to cross or not.

Call it what you want, the intention of law is to control us, and that by my definition is a form of slavery.

I do think that rules are needed, but I think that the current systems which I have experienced are mostly very dumb, too strict, and simply unacceptable.

IMO The governments sometimes put too much focus in the wrong place. It seems as though many politicians and people who control the politicians are corrupted. My perception of the matter is that they are mostly corrupted by greed.
Keep in mind that I have only lived in a few countries so far in my life. And of the countries I have lived in, it is mostly the English Societies that are especially suffering from bad political/corporate control.

Life everywhere seems like a big rat race! and that is imo a fundamental flaw. It is as if we are stuck in fast mode. Imo we need to be adapting our lives to a slower yet more efficient pace. Don't you guys agree?
I mean, 5 days out of 7 spent at work? that isn't right! If we are all working collaboratively, abiding by the same laws, then we should imo also be sharing much more of the wealth.


Well-Known Member
our angst ridden friend is trying to say that property taxes and cannabis laws make him a slave.

gonna have to widen that definition a bit more.


Well-Known Member
When I cannot cross an empty street because the law states that I can only cross the street when the flipping walk-signal turns green, I feel like I am being oppressed by the law, I feel like I'm being forced to be a slave
OMFG some people really need some goddamn perspective.

enslaved by a walk signal. fucking pathetic.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
The idea of that walk signal is to cover any civil duty. Then if you get hit by a car you cannot sue the state cause there was nothing warning you of possible danger.


Well-Known Member
i see gagcocko is too dumb to use his own words, so he spams some POS youtube video featuring no other than former grand wizard of the KKK david duke.

reported as spam.
Thanks funny, I was actually just thinking about property ownership the other day.
Why should I pay a large sum of money to occupy a piece of land? Its a good question isn't it? I mean, if I genuinely do not know, Do I not deserve a good answer?

Anyway, I'm not sure that property taxes make you a slave, but laws forbidding you to even plant weed do make you a slave. well, no they don't but if they were able to control you 100% of the time (like the USA is trying to do) then yes, you are a slave.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
And orginally slavery wasn't so bad, it wasn't until the europeans stepped in and made slavery inherited. Originally slaves in africa where slaves but their children were free.


Well-Known Member
Why should I pay a large sum of money to occupy a piece of land? Its a good question isn't it?
it's really not.

property rights area cornerstone of our society. if you want to own the land, you pay. otherwise, if no one pays, what's to stop your neighbor from moving in to the house you just built?

you want to live in that world?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hurt your feelings but there is much credible evidence to prove that many slave traders shared your wife's religion - truth hurts, huh?
How is following you around anti-semitism? For one, jews aren't semites... Secondly, you aren't jewish - you are simply a jewish lap dog bitch :D

take your hate boner of anti-semitism over to stormfront.

i don't need to be harassed here because you hate jews.

reported for harassment.
OMFG some people really need some goddamn perspective.

enslaved by a walk signal. fucking pathetic.

Pardon me but I did not know that your opinion was that I should have a wider perspective because so many idiots cannot look both ways before they walk under a fast travelling vehicle while attempting to cross a street.
My my, how incredibly foolish of me not to realise the "good intention" of this law.

And here I thought that good education (amongst other things) was the answer.

it's really not.

property rights area cornerstone of our society. if you want to own the land, you pay. otherwise, if no one pays, what's to stop your neighbor from moving in to the house you just built?

you want to live in that world?

yea yea, it is simple at first, but I have the feeling it gets complicated. (in regards to principals) that's what interests me.
I know all too well how "simple" our laws are. Thou shall not cross this street while the turn signal is red!

Cause the white man will come in. He will burn your house down, rape your family, kill your animals, and destroy your food. Then if you don't leave, kill you.

Why you all up in my grill man? shouldn't you be all up in that little 9 year olds face? Scat.


Well-Known Member
Pardon me but I did not know that your opinion was that I should have a wider perspective because so many idiots cannot look both ways before they walk under a fast travelling vehicle while attempting to cross a street.
My my, how incredibly foolish of me not to realise the "good intention" of this law.

And here I thought that good education (amongst other things) was the answer.

yea yea, it is simple at first, but I have the feeling it gets complicated. (in regards to principals) that's what interests me.
I know all too well how "simple" our laws are. Thou shall not cross this street while the turn signal is red!

Why you all up in my grill man? shouldn't you be all up in that little 9 year olds face? Scat.

good education is the answer.