how crucial is air stone?


Well-Known Member
I heard that If you do not have fresh air (air stone/pump) in your aeroponics cloner, than u will not be able to clone. Is this true? Has anyone ever cloned with aeroponics without a air pump?
air stones wont add any air. myth. its not enough. all it does it keep same level you started with as best it can. need o2 charged cyclinder to actualy ADD air to water. if the water is moving it helps hold the o2 so its not a must to have one, helps...but not a must
you don`t need it.

Do you have any reasoning behind this or just raising your post count?

By my understanding. Yes, that's the purpose of running them generally, they provide aeration through gas exchange
The bubbles actually don't do much since they aren't really diffused very much, the disruption of the surface of the water is mostly whats aerating the tank.
like was said..moving water. was that a post count post to?? repeated what was already said.
First i didn't quote you so not sure how you even assumed i was talking to you. Ya lonely or something?
I didn't repeat a dam thing repeating would be using your words verbatim... I used my own wording from my own research to so maybe the OP understands it a bit better.
Not everyone learns the same way try to understand that.
And yes it was to get my post count up... been a member since 2009 and only 2157 post that must show you how much they mean to me... Go away annoying one.
not lonly at all. i never said you where talking to me. neither was the other words said the same thing was all like it was different info. to me and when i was in school that was called repeating same answer..ya l0nely or something?
Before this escalates, your being watched... O.O

oh, no, seriously, cannabisworks - please no more instigating, I know its tempting...but, please don't.

Sutra, your being abrasive as hell, relax, get high, get happy... (says the guy who is A-FUCKING-GAIN dry)
You don't need it. I use a cloner to. Reason behind that is sence water is spryed up to roots and falls back down. Thus creating a air/water mix. But adding air movement into the root zone and out some how it will drop the temp in the root zone.
It wouldn't hurt to use an air stone. It's not necessary per say, but who wants stagnant nutrient solution? Not me. I just use it to keep the root environment fresher. I use a waterfarm. They say you don't need an air stone because of the drip system. I still use one in the reservoir to keep my solution more fresh and to prevent root rot at all costs.
Do you have any reasoning behind this or just raising your post count?

By my understanding. Yes, that's the purpose of running them generally, they provide aeration through gas exchange
The bubbles actually don't do much since they aren't really diffused very much, the disruption of the surface of the water is mostly whats aerating the tank.

sure do the spray landing in the back in the res water breaks the surface tension and thats all thats needed.i could care less about a post count.if you understand aero there very little time for the water to sit still,more so in a cloner when most of the time you can let it run consent.theres really no nute to keep from settling.
i love it when i make a post and people argue about their own stubborn comments. thanks for all the help guys
I mistakenly used to think the bubbles themselves added oxygen to the water. Wrong. It's the turbulance created by the bubbles on the surface area. Larger surface area of water, more DO.
It won't make any difference to the plants since they get their oxygen from the air they are hanging in, that's what aeroponics is. Cloners usually are run at a higher temp which lowers DO and increases the chance of baddies showing up. Every bit of oxygen you can get in the water helps keep the baddies away. Like others have said, not needed at all, but IMO recommended.
I mistakenly used to think the bubbles themselves added oxygen to the water. Wrong. It's the turbulance created by the bubbles on the surface area. Larger surface area of water, more DO.

Hi, I know it's a dead thread, but I am pondering about this at the moment, as I want to switch to Aero. Now, you said "I mistakenly used to think the bubbles themselves added oxygen to the water"

Sure, but who cares about the water. What's in question is: does it bring more oxygen to the air in the reservoir?The roots are using up the O2, so surely outside the box is more O2 than in the box overtime, so how is not an advantage to bring in more O2?
I heard that If you do not have fresh air (air stone/pump) in your aeroponics cloner, than u will not be able to clone. Is this true? Has anyone ever cloned with aeroponics without a air pump?
I know this is old post I still like to comment I am running aero cloner as well started from seed. The roots get long quick so you don't want them sitting in nutrients so you add air stone. This way you don't even have to move them I only have 8 2inch net sights. So I will have the room and I believe I have a system that you can start to finish we will see good luck anyway how did it all go qhat did you learn?
I heard that If you do not have fresh air (air stone/pump) in your aeroponics cloner, than u will not be able to clone. Is this true? Has anyone ever cloned with aeroponics without a air pump?
Don't get me wrong, never done aero, but isn't the hint in the name. Aero-ponics. Means air in water in a system or there abouts. Like hydro-ponics is water in a system.... trying to keep It basic too. But take a note of what your doing and think..... maybe air pump is needed. Plus from what I understand in aero, if you don't use air pump ya cream crackerd cause once root rot is In its generally round over. But all above could be totally wrong.