How did he do this?


Active Member
couldn't a person just drill some holes in the cups

then get a large flat bottom pan, put some water in the pan and let the plants/soil soak up water as needed?


New Member
couldn't a person just drill some holes in the cups

then get a large flat bottom pan, put some water in the pan and let the plants/soil soak up water as needed?
if it was that easy every1 be doing it that way, dunno why the guy who started this thread is worrying to much!!!

its simple guys, water when the plant is dry, i did it and only had to water once a day and the plant were all 4ft tall, just try it and see how it goes, dont stress just give it a go, ul soon get used to it, ur plants will tell u how often they need water, SIMPLE:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
if it was that easy every1 be doing it that way, dunno why the guy who started this thread is worrying to much!!!

its simple guys, water when the plant is dry, i did it and only had to water once a day and the plant were all 4ft tall, just try it and see how it goes, dont stress just give it a go, ul soon get used to it, ur plants will tell u how often they need water, SIMPLE:bigjoint:
I think your right maybe I am over thinking it.
If ordered my gear so I should be starting a journal soon, the only thing missing is "Lyle's black treacle" (Molasses). Wish me luck.


laundry bag is on to some thing just put hole in bottom let water suck from bottom so all plants get water same time plus jus buy a thing that pumps water in there say once or twice a day juss make sure it aint to much juss curious how the plants all get that big in that cup ...the buds id say a cup whould fall over easy ....maybe the lights and nutes got something todo more with the size


New Member
laundry bag is on to some thing just put hole in bottom let water suck from bottom so all plants get water same time plus jus buy a thing that pumps water in there say once or twice a day juss make sure it aint to much juss curious how the plants all get that big in that cup ...the buds id say a cup whould fall over easy ....maybe the lights and nutes got something todo more with the size
every1 is over complicating this guys grow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just grow them and water manualy, u wont have to water loads of times a day, as i said b4 i had 4ft plants in a 16oz cup and only watered once a day up until they finnished!!

plus ide rather water myself rather than a dripper, i like to check all over my plants while i water!! checking for any signs of bugs or bad health!!

i will say tho, the plants were 4ft tall but the yeild was not good, around 1/4 ounce per plant, not realy worth the time and effort, unless uve got a fiew bigger ones growing the same time, just my opinion guys n girls!!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i,ve seen that picture before of all the 16 oz cups. He had a note attached to the picture that want these? when your clones root, flower them.


yea its prolly easier than it looks rather grow big u could grow one large plant than going through that....looks nice ...though

A few members say to achieve these results you need to pay attention to your plant & water & feed accordingly. But what I want to know is what type of soil should you use? I mean there are slow releasing soils which can affect the plant in a negative way then their are Biobizz soils (light mix & all mix) which differ in NPK/EC/PH values. What typ of soil should I use to get these results or better?

Also they say you need to water several times a day & feed it at the right time so it doesnt become root bound.

Im more than willing to put the work in so please comment on the soil & water schedule.

To grow a plant like that use cfl's 24/0 keeping the lights as close as possible...1-2 inches.This will the allow the plant to stay compact and the side branches to grow out enough to take clones off of. After a month of vegging your plants will look something like the pics.Take your clones by removing the tops 3 nodes down from each of your branches.Make sure when taking clones the stem is not woody as this makes it harder to root.When the clones root place them into flowering.
This is a great method for keeping your favorite personal smoke around for a lifetime. :peace:

