Shit. Found like 10 from schools, mainly high school, only 1 in college but that's because I didn't like everyone else's weed. But now my friend works at the Board of Trade in downtown Chi, well, there are soo many drugs that go through there it's rediculous, it's almost like a festival, that's where we get the best weed we can find, mushies, acid, xtc, coke (he loves it, I do a little bit here and there, used to be bad with it) and randomly other stuff. Also, I found 2 psychedelic dealers from going to concerts in the city. Could have found chronic hook-ups but didn't need them. Still can't find a guy with DMT, my friends met a guy who had a lot of it when they went to Underground Sound, the most recent one, but he sold out some time after the summer and now wont ever answer anymore.