How do citizens of other nations perceive America?

I have a few Mexican friends across the line. They still love us by and large. Its a kind of big brother little brother mentality. The Donald Trumps of the country don't help matters however. Its a rich and wonderful culture in Mexico. Its great to live so close to the border.
I like that movie.
Hello, I'm Mexican and I lived in the USA for almost 2 years. I had been invited by some community members to help them open a meditation center in San Diego, after that I moved to L.A.

Even though I had lived/travel to different countries, before coming to the USA I had been living in a small and poor Mexican town running a meditation center so moving to SD I felt like "wow, everything is great here, I want to stay here" but over the course of my stay I slowly began to hate many things.

For instance, it is truly a police state and Americans don't seem to realize it, the worst thing is that some people actually justify a lot of shit. I once was stopped by a cop for jaywalking and he told me not to run and showed me his gun (I guess to protect me right?) Then I was given a $200 fine, and was told which was the right path to cross the avenue, so I did and ate in Carl Jrs and on the way back crossing through the pedestrian line with the walk sign at the other side I was stopped by a very aggressive cop treating me like a child or someone stupid and told me I hadn't crossed correctly because apparently there was a sign in the middle of the avenue saying you should stay there if numbers started flashing, I of course, didn't read this small print sign when I was crossing and only avoided getting another fine because I showed him the fine I had just received.

Then my friends told me cops went on fining-sprees since they needed to fulfill quotas. Over the course of a year I got fined about 5 times for whatever reason. In L.A. there were cameras everywhere and a few times the camera took pics of my plates for not doing a complete stop at like 2 am in the morning with empty streets. I never paid those camera fines though.

It was also impossible to make friends no matter how much I tried and everybody was so busy all the time or living in the same city but in one of the sub-cities so all distances were long and nobody wanted to drive to hang out. Also all the women were really self-entitled. Going to a bar or club was like a nightmare, I had to bring my passport drive a lot and with cops intimidating everywhere so nightlife was impossible.

In L.A. the people were so fake always saying they knew somebody famous and the quality of living was terrible, it was just cars and concrete and I had a bed bug infestation which I had to fight for months. Everybody seemed to be crazy.

The food was like poison as well.

The cherry on the cake came when I had moved back to Mexico but took a trip to Egypt and on the way back I did a stop in Dallas airport where I was taken to interrogation by a stupid redneck cop, treated like a terrorist and they made me lose my flight and had to book a hotel room.

Also being Mexican was a stigma, they all thought I was there illegally but I'm actually white and look European, I have a B.A. and speak 5 languages and don't have an accent, problem came when they would ask my name. I found out there was racism everywhere but masked.

I know I sound too negative but I seriously tried to enjoy this experience the best I could when I was living there, SD was not so bad, I surfed a lot.

After that I came to appreciate many things about Mexico, while it can be full of crime I still it is safer than the USA because the USA is unpredictable and the cops are really violent and they are everywhere. It is truly a police state, I would see an American friend fearfully and zombie-like filling his tax form every year. I haven't paid taxes in Mexico for 10 years and the Mex gov doesn't give a shit about me!
I know live on the Mexican beach during winter, and since it's touristic it's actually very safe and well-kept plus it's awesome and the rest of the year I live in the Czech Republic as I like to be international and the city is beautiful and I can do whatever I want such as grow weed.

So every time I see an American, I see somebody who might be addicted to work, only money-oriented and probably crazy. Sorry but that's the truth.
Hello, I'm Mexican and I lived in the USA for almost 2 years. I had been invited by some community members to help them open a meditation center in San Diego, after that I moved to L.A.

Even though I had lived/travel to different countries, before coming to the USA I had been living in a small and poor Mexican town running a meditation center so moving to SD I felt like "wow, everything is great here, I want to stay here" but over the course of my stay I slowly began to hate many things.

For instance, it is truly a police state and Americans don't seem to realize it, the worst thing is that some people actually justify a lot of shit. I once was stopped by a cop for jaywalking and he told me not to run and showed me his gun (I guess to protect me right?) Then I was given a $200 fine, and was told which was the right path to cross the avenue, so I did and ate in Carl Jrs and on the way back crossing through the pedestrian line with the walk sign at the other side I was stopped by a very aggressive cop treating me like a child or someone stupid and told me I hadn't crossed correctly because apparently there was a sign in the middle of the avenue saying you should stay there if numbers started flashing, I of course, didn't read this small print sign when I was crossing and only avoided getting another fine because I showed him the fine I had just received.

Then my friends told me cops went on fining-sprees since they needed to fulfill quotas. Over the course of a year I got fined about 5 times for whatever reason. In L.A. there were cameras everywhere and a few times the camera took pics of my plates for not doing a complete stop at like 2 am in the morning with empty streets. I never paid those camera fines though.

It was also impossible to make friends no matter how much I tried and everybody was so busy all the time or living in the same city but in one of the sub-cities so all distances were long and nobody wanted to drive to hang out. Also all the women were really self-entitled. Going to a bar or club was like a nightmare, I had to bring my passport drive a lot and with cops intimidating everywhere so nightlife was impossible.

In L.A. the people were so fake always saying they knew somebody famous and the quality of living was terrible, it was just cars and concrete and I had a bed bug infestation which I had to fight for months. Everybody seemed to be crazy.

The food was like poison as well.

The cherry on the cake came when I had moved back to Mexico but took a trip to Egypt and on the way back I did a stop in Dallas airport where I was taken to interrogation by a stupid redneck cop, treated like a terrorist and they made me lose my flight and had to book a hotel room.

Also being Mexican was a stigma, they all thought I was there illegally but I'm actually white and look European, I have a B.A. and speak 5 languages and don't have an accent, problem came when they would ask my name. I found out there was racism everywhere but masked.

I know I sound too negative but I seriously tried to enjoy this experience the best I could when I was living there, SD was not so bad, I surfed a lot.

After that I came to appreciate many things about Mexico, while it can be full of crime I still it is safer than the USA because the USA is unpredictable and the cops are really violent and they are everywhere. It is truly a police state, I would see an American friend fearfully and zombie-like filling his tax form every year. I haven't paid taxes in Mexico for 10 years and the Mex gov doesn't give a shit about me!
I know live on the Mexican beach during winter, and since it's touristic it's actually very safe and well-kept plus it's awesome and the rest of the year I live in the Czech Republic as I like to be international and the city is beautiful and I can do whatever I want such as grow weed.

So every time I see an American, I see somebody who might be addicted to work, only money-oriented and probably crazy. Sorry but that's the truth.
not trying to be an ass but your story isnt in the right place here toke n talk is not politics
it isnt for politics, or political debates
Sorry if I sounded racist, I swear I arrived with great expectations and positive attitude and left with fear but there's hope, and that hope is called Mary Jane and you guys are doing it right with the legalization.
iknow, right ;-)

Sorry if I sounded racist, I swear I arrived with great expectations and positive attitude and left with fear but there's hope, and that hope is called Mary Jane and you guys are doing it right with the legalization.
You're talking about Los Angeles, a city which is hardly representative of America as a whole. It's called Hollyweird for a reason. Ha, I got a J-walking ticket there too!
Yeah maybe you're right, and I lived right in Hollyweird, here's a list of people I met:

1. First landlord was alcoholic and sort of crazy, he charged me $200 for a room for a month, I arrived and the place was hell, cockroaches everywhere and bed bugs which I ended up bringing to the next place I moved after 2 days.
2. Next place I met Dan a 50 year old, his first words were "Hi, I'm Dan, I'm a car salesman and I make $20 000 a month, we can do business" turned out he was a compulsive liar.
3. Next I moved to a house that had like 10 other house mates, most were Asians and kept to themselves but Mandy was like "Tom Hanks was my neighbor, I'm bipolar, my sister is a Lesbian who dresses like a man and was in jail for selling crack"
4. A guy who broke my surf board accidentally, he took me to his house which was a mansion, I think he worked in Hollywood, said he would send my board to repair then cut all communications with me and pretty much kept my board, then I saw him on the beach again and he greeted me like nothing had happened.
5. A friend from Arizona found a place in a gay ex Hollywood producer's place, then the guy tried to rape him. That friend then moved to a house with a crazy lady landlord and had a pornstar house mate who tried to assault him one day when she was pissed off for no reason.
6. I became 'friends' with an ex child star, who was bipolar and also crazy.
I lived there in my 20's and had some of the best and worst times of my life. Plenty of beautiful women, that was my focus. The cost of living wasn't yet outrageous, as it is now. Went out for a lot of great meals and cinema but didn't trust the water too much as far as the beach went. My best place was in silverlake by echo park near downtown kinda.
Yeah but the plenty of beautiful women seriously is nothing compared to the women you see here in Prague, and not self-entitled at all.

Anyways, the friend I mentioned who almost got raped and then beaten up by the porn star got invited into a dating show and went on a date with a little person. At the end of the date the little person ditched him and told the interviewers that he was short and she liked tall man! LOL
Too short, that is funny! Oh shit Prague, yeah the women there are mighty fine.. How long are you living there? What kind of work did you find.
I'm a freelance spanish/english translator, I work on my computer, I just live here because I like it and I can do whatever I want, even growing 5 plants is allowed.
While I get that this isn't the politics forum, I also understand that the politics forum has a bunch of weirdos.

This thread is just one stoner saying to another, hey, what do you think of america.
Yeah but the plenty of beautiful women seriously is nothing compared to the women you see here in Prague, and not self-entitled at all.

Anyways, the friend I mentioned who almost got raped and then beaten up by the porn star got invited into a dating show and went on a date with a little person. At the end of the date the little person ditched him and told the interviewers that he was short and she liked tall man! LOL
you are so right, those check chicks doo rock ...I'm drooling now just on memories alone in Eu stay a wahile in Spain, in the north is good, as a redneck? you would be most welcome shit, next in the 'merica's, ... hang out with whats known as Nerds, a bunch of technical academics, that most often have a tight but relaxed social circle, often these guys have been booted from 'mainstream' society, very few are as dysfunctional as the majority, and cheers.. looking forward to more of your posts