how do I block light from going through window ac?

You need a light baffle on either the inside or outside of the AC. Paint the inside of it flat black, make sure you have enough area for airflow.
Don’t mess with the backside/outside part of the unit. Build a baffle for the inside. The cold air doesn’t have to blow straight out without deflection. Put your baffle outlet higher than the AC outlet and you should be good. Cold air falls and heat rises. Baffle outlet high. Think a periscope.
I remember I had the same problem a few years, and also happened to have a large roll of Gorilla Tape laying around, so I just turned off the room lights, went in the room during daylight hours (outside), and blocked all light leaks from within the ac itself by liberal use of the BLACK tape from the inside half of the AC. Very low tech solution, but it worked like a charm for me.
I remember I had the same problem a few years, and also happened to have a large roll of Gorilla Tape laying around, so I just turned off the room lights, went in the room during daylight hours (outside), and blocked all light leaks from within the ac itself by liberal use of the BLACK tape from the inside half of the AC. Very low tech solution, but it worked like a charm for me.
Checking from the inside occasionally is a fair insurance policy