I had major problem cloning during my first few attempts. I tried everything. I have done hours of research. asked the same question that have been asked here. though I let you know what solution I came up with. but first I tell you about all the failed attempts. maybe save you some headaches
at the time it felt like I was the only one having problems. friends said "just take a cutting and put it in water, that's what I do." well no shit, I tried that. it did not work. now that I look back on it. I probably did not wait long enough.
the first time I took cutting. I am not going into how I to do that. do some reading and you will get those answers. anyway the first cutting. I just grab a pair of scissors cut and stuck it a glass of water on a shelf in the grow room. like everybody said. it stayed green, but after 7-10 day no roots. gave up threw it out.
next attempt. after reading for hours. I went and got the cheap root hormones and sterilized everything. gloved up and took my cutting, put them into water. after 7-10 days nothing. not one fucking root.
next attempt. went and talked to the hydro-store guy. suggested that my environment was the problem. so bought the dome, the tray, the heat mat, the good root hormones, humidifier, new scissors, gloves again. went home set up the room to the proper temps and all. took cuttings under water to avoid the infamous air going into the stem, misted every day, maintained temps, and humidity. 7-10 day no fucking roots.
back to the hydro-store. this time I wanted to see how he did his clones. all legit plants btw. he had the power cloner set up in the main sales area. this in the same model.
EZ Clone 120 Cloning Machine - Plantlighting Hydroponics his was clear so you could see the equipment on the inside. he said that he just take a cutting, and plops it in the machine and that's it. 7-10 days roots. only one problem its $300.
the damn thing is nothing more than a tote tub, air diffusers, water pump., air pump, a spray assembly arm.
ok this is what you been reading all my bullshit for, so hang on a min.
now everything can be bought at wally world, and pet store. unless you have a local hydro-store near you. they don't like to sell you parts as much as a $300 power cloner but when they realize you have half a brain and figured out you can build it cheaper they will make the sale.
this is a tutorial I put together when I built the cloner. now its not as pretty as the $300 one but I aint showing it off to grandma either. this is the first one I built. it was awhile ago. I do believe I change things. like I found these spinning heads, and a few other things. this is on a different site that I visit. so if admids have a problem with the link let me know and I will make a new one for RIU. to tell you the truth all I did was steal what I saw in the store and on sites like RIU so my concept is not original but replicated from other peoples post and tutes.
now I take a cutting. dirty hand and all. no root tone. no dome nothing. stick it in the cloner and usually in 7-10 roots. place in to 1in rockwool cubes, cubes into 3" net pot pack with hydroton rocks. I veg them right there in the cloner 3 weeks then to the new torpedo. torpedo? you will have to check my current grow to see what that is. hahahaha
- CLONER by Yelodrvr Marijuana Growing
now this will be my next project to build. the friend at the hydro store fills is 30x30 green house with commercial plants. he says he can get roots in 3days. he showed me some. they looked like they exploded out the stem.
Nutramist - Welcome to the new revolution in Hydroponics scroll down a bit to see it.
here are a few pics of my root just took them within the last few days. veged 3weeks, now day 3 of flower. all the info on propagation time, cloner time, veg time is in the journal in my sig.

i am going to be taking cutting as soon as the 6 i have going now show sex. i will post a tute on how i did it, and the progress of the clones.