How do I do this lol?

King Dannibus

New Member
Hey there guys I have never used a forum before but I have lots of questions. Im posting this to see where it comes out at and to see how replys work. Question one is how can I raise the humidity in my enclosed grow room, I am at about 20-25% right now and know I need to be closer to at least 50%. thanks for the help


New Member
Hi King. I cant answer cause im a newby too and honestly have no idea, but wanted to reply so you can see a reply to your post. Good luck
If you have any questions about navigating the forums, feel free to ask those as well.

What kind of enclosed area are you working with? You could get a humidifier. Have a damp rag or a bowl of water in the grow area(though I don't not personally encourage the bowl of water. It's a hazard)