how do i flower clones?


Active Member
I have 2 ak mothers and they each have prolly 12 clones on each. I have alot of bills coming up so i dont have the money to do my tent and aero set up right now. I can however throw a little bit of money to a small bubbler system in a night stand or something of that sort. I really just need to know about the cloning and growing in water. When to start nutes or how long can they grow in plain water.

also anyone know of a place i could get nutes in tenn?


Active Member
i dont live in tenn just close by and like road trips to places i havent been. not to keen on telling where i live not now with that one bust from riu.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I dont care where you live.If you have that small of a grow niether do the fucking cops.If your worried you dont need to be here.Being carefull is one thing but paranoria will get the best of you.Im as paraniod as any motherfucker out there......peace

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I got caught in bama in 1984 and one gram was a felony if you had ever been charged with possesion in any other state.Be carefull Alabama is hard on weed smokers.........peace