how do i get rid of these bugs


Well-Known Member
IMG_20110607_202849.jpgIMG_20110607_202843.jpgi have these flying bugs in my room and every time i go in there i kill them but they keep comeing back so what should i do here are some pics of them and they mostly stay on the soil but there starting go on my plants will they hurts my plants?


Active Member
If their gnats use those little sticky fly strips.
If it's a serious problem, they could have laid eggs in your soil (I've seen it happen). With that, I would use a safe insecticide or transfer into clean soil.


Well-Known Member
No need to do any transplanting just cause of fungus gnats.

They are more of a pain to your eyes than the garden.

Yellow sticky traps to catch your flying adults works....for the adults.You will also have to treat your pots to kill of larvae.There are quite a few things you can use....all personal preference.You have to get rid of both adults and larvae other wise it just goes on and on and on and on and on....ya dig?


Well-Known Member
just use vegtable safe insect killer shultz makes a few ive used that work when they layed eggs in my soil i had probally a hundred of these little bastard maybe more indoors


Well-Known Member
Play sand works also. Top off each pot with 1/2, also use sticky yellow paper to monitor. They can really do damage to new clones and a lot of times fungus gnats usually means you are probably over watering


Well-Known Member
how much should i water them
Water till it comes out the drain holes of your pot

Wait a few days till soil is is pretty much dry then water again

Feel how heavy your pot is when you first water and when its dry you will be able to tell the difference

Use small cups or something similar for seedlings and pot up when roots fill cup

If you use a large pot for your seedling do not water the hole pot , just around where the seedling is at , takes alot longer for the hole pot to dry out then just the area around the seedling

dont want to accidentally over water them ya know