How do I get Rid of White Flies?


I always delt with spider mites. Never Had white flies before. and Can not get rid of them. Got rid of the spider mites though. Using those white Fly traps they work but just get filled up all the time. Kill as many as I can by rubbing them and there eggs. even move them out side and shake them in the wind and hope the cold kills them. Is there a easy way to get rid of them? I heard Marigolds repel them ? Help please!!!
Any product with SPINOSAD should work.

Any perethrin based product should work.

Or you could go the predatory insect way and get yourself some white fly parasites.

Cant Really use any Pesticides. Especially in my Flowering room. Which is really infested. Was thinking about getting lady bugs. Also saw that these wasps work real good. ( Encarsia formosa). Any one have any luck with these.? And Thanks for the help.
Lots of sticky traps..yellow/blue. You can make em with a tube of tanglefoot and colored solo cups. No pest strip at nite with exhaust off. Mighty wash may work if buds aren't so developed as to mold. You can manually wipe the major colonies with insecticidal soap solution on a cloth.
Thats what I am Using now is yellow white fly traps. They just get filled up to quick. also I am tired of them sticking to me all the time. Got in bed last knight with one stuck to my legg. Lol. Also manually I aint getting know where. to many.
Sounds real bad..I'm sorry. You can try the no pest strips. It degrades rapidly. It could probably get you threw harvest. How far into flower?
Before introducing the ladybugs you can try to lower the number of flies with a vacuum cleaner with some sort of filter attached..
OK released 1500 Lady bugs this morning with the lights off. Now just wait and see if it helps. Just feels like I got them crawling all over me now. Lol.
uhm... Ladybugs really don't do whiteflies-- they will eat some of the eggs- but the adults they don't touch.

You should have gone with Azamax- a Chrysanthemum derivative concentrate--
White fly adults will destroy plants in a matter of days-- and your ladybugs don't work that way.
Gather as many of your ladybugs as you can find and store them-- get Azamax and spray the plants (lights off- fans on high)
start at the bottom of the plants and the inside around the main stalk and work up-and-out.... then spray the top surfaces-- use a light mist....

It won't hurt flowering plants- follow the mixing instructions for berries.... do it again in 3-4 days-- then 2 days later spray them all down with plain water.....

then re-release your ladybugs-- they'll "mop-up" any left-over eggs so they don't hatch!
I was told they did. It even says on the package. Problem is some of my plants are about ready for harvest. I have a continous cycle. I will give it a couple of days and see what they look like. and if it dont get better. I am willing to try anything. Thanks for the advice.
Ok Turned the lights on and it looks like there feeding. Yeah! but when the 1000 watt mh came on it was like a bug zapper. so Looks like rules are Sodium Lights and 400 hundreds are ok but not old school 1000 watts.
Ok Turned the lights on and it looks like there feeding. Yeah! but when the 1000 watt mh came on it was like a bug zapper. so Looks like rules are Sodium Lights and 400 hundreds are ok but not old school 1000 watts.

Ladybugs actually like to have shaded areas and access to water.

They don't perticularly like bright hps light unless they have somewhere to hang out.

Ladybugs will eat a variety of bugs if their preferred food choice of aphids is not available. However they are not a cure all.

They will only contain populations and won't eradicate.

IMO you still should be trying to kill them with something.

Leave em a damp sponge for water.. Lacewing larvae are predators too if you can find em.
Yeah I have some damp sponges for them. The are actually doing better then I thought on cleaning up the plants. I had one that was just covered in eggs and now it is pretty much all clean. Plus the lady bugs are breeding. Just hate it when the lady bugs are all over me. got in bed with one last night. Lol.
This is a link to my thread about the electronic pest repellers, I'm not saying dont try to kill the fuckers but for 10 bucks its worth the investment as a preventative measure.
I have had both spidey mites and fungus gnats and ever since I installed this thing in my cab, I havent seen a one.
I even have one hooked up in my basement to repel those 1000 leg silverfish things
I think I've been having a whitefly issue as well in my outdoor grow, I bought some ladybugs and began applying them. They prevented any further damage and were eating the whitefly eggs. However, I would apply them in the evening when the sun was going down they would only stay on the plants and eat their fill until the next day when they would disperse from the direct sunlight.

Since I still have a few hundred ladybugs left, I do plan on applying more ladybugs eventually once I've created a small lady bug home to make the area more hospitable to them. But in the meantime I've found a pesticide composed of Neem Oil and Pyrethrum extract that has proven extremely effective!