How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

What intrigues me about the human race and religion, is even in our early existence most civilizations worshiped some type of god or gods. What is it about the human race that makes us wired to believe in a higher power, even though we were spread out? Is it because with intelligents comes questions, and questions produce imaginations? and imagination produces stories and stories get passed down? I think as humans we have always been curious of our origin. What is different now versus any other time in our existence is we have a lot more information on how things work on a science level and how the human race lived. So now we can make more informed decisions rather then rely in some superstitious ju ju. I do believe we have barley scratched the surface of the story of our existence.

I am not sure what to believe on how we got here. Did we just get really lucky and happen to be here by chance? Or is there a higher power. My mind says , their has to be a beginning and end to things. Things don't appear out of nowhere. So how were all the elements created out of nothing?How does nothing become something? How does a big bang that starts out the size of a grain of rice contain the amount of power it takes to create the universe? I don't completely rule out a higher power, I just don't believe in the typical run of the mill religions.

Then I also look at animals and how similar we are to them on so many levels. We eat, we shit, we have bone , muscle, blood, eyes. We breath air. How is it that we share so much physically with other animals that religious people can disregard that evidence. Myself, I can't look over those similarities. I believe things evolved and through time will adapt to fit its needs. Unless other factors occur to rapidly which makes it impossible for the evolution to take place(extinction). I know evolution and creation sounds contradicting, maybe they can meet in the middle some how.

"that if you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in your heart that GOD has raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED."(Romans 10:9)

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner.I believe that you died on the cross for me, that you shed your blood for the forgiveness of MY SINS.I believe on the third day you rose from the dead and went to Heaven to prepare a place for me.I accept you now as my Savior, my Lord,my God,my Friend.Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and set me free from my sins, because you are my Savior,Jesus,"I shall not die, but have everlasting life."

:peace: B166ER420 :peace:

You have to say it out loud..................and mean it!.............its the only way I know how to get to heaven with my lifestyle:eyesmoke::weed:
"that if you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in your heart that GOD has raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED."(Romans 10:9)

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner.I believe that you died on the cross for me, that you shed your blood for the forgiveness of MY SINS.I believe on the third day you rose from the dead and went to Heaven to prepare a place for me.I accept you now as my Savior, my Lord,my God,my Friend.Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and set me free from my sins, because you are my Savior,Jesus,"I shall not die, but have everlasting life."

:peace: B166ER420 :peace:

You have to say it out loud..................and mean it!.............its the only way I know how to get to heaven with my lifestyle:eyesmoke::weed:

to fall in glorious battle ensures a place in Valhalla!

If you strive with all your might, stay true to your King, and bring honour to your family you shall not die. When you have given your last full measure, Valkyries shall sweep down on their winged steeds and spirit you away to the Hall of Warriors where the mead flow freely, the meat is forever plentiful and the sport and manly games of the Honoured Heroes never cease.

seems to make MORE sense than your shit.
Grow up!!!

you prefer maybe some taoism?

Serve well your Family, Honour your ancestors, and express Filial Piety in all things. A life in Joyful Service is it's own reward, and upon departing this mortal frame, The Great Wheel Of Transmigration will turn, delivering you into your next incarnation.

Those who Strive Nobly and complete their turn upon the Wheel shall be delivered unto the Celestial Court and The Garden Of Eternal Delights, where you may sup with The August And Pure Emperor of Jade and dice with Sun Wu Kong or recline in the Garden with the Golden Peach of Xi Wang Mu which grants eternal life, even to those outside the Jade Palace of the Celestial Court.

STILL less capricious and cruel than your shit.

and coincidenatlly, MUCH older, and MUCH more Ethically Consistent.
I prefer being treated with dignity,not have what I say called shit.I don't know you and you don't know me.If you don't have anything nice to say............
capricious????cruel????????........ look in the not perfect and niether are you
I prefer being treated with dignity,not have what I say called shit.I don't know you and you don't know me.If you don't have anything nice to say............
capricious????cruel????????........ look in the not perfect and niether are you

if youre selling an agenda that is capricious and cruel, such as eugenics, marxism, wahhabi islam, catholicism, general christianity, kali cultism (the thuggee stranglers) or militant environmentalism then yes, YOU are capricous and cruel.

and youre selling it hard.

those who reject your dogma are not non-persons, and you arent that special.
blind acceptance of dogma isnt the sign of wisdom, it's the surest sign of the fool.
your dogma IS shit, it is ethically contradictory, amoral, and riddled with hate.
I'm glad you mentioned Kali cults. Not a big fan of Derrick Jenson either, kinda comes off as the guy that has an agenda, but is scared to get his hands dirty. At least Ted Kaczynski took action.
The model is set
The Luddites don't deny it
Works rather well if only they would try it
Put cars in the air, the plane's on the ground
Scissors are safe cause the edges are round
The bells go off, we spring into action
Numbers are brilliant right down to the fraction
C'mon now! It's all realistic!
I'm not dumb, I'm just optimistic
I pray that God will soften your hearts and remove the blinders from your eyes before it's too late.

Jesus Christ lives within me

Galatians 2:20

New Living Translation (NLT)

[SUP]20 [/SUP]My old self has been crucified with Christ.[SUP][a][/SUP] It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Good to know this forum has it's own resident religious fanatic.
I'm glad you mentioned Kali cults. Not a big fan of Derrick Jenson either, kinda comes off as the guy that has an agenda, but is scared to get his hands dirty. At least Ted Kaczynski took action.

i had no idea who that fucktard derrick jenson was, and now i wish i still didnt know.

i mentioned the thuggee cult as just an example of religious fervor which reduces the unbeliever into a non-person, but this clown is fucking cracked.

but i notice he hasnt cut off his own lifestyle to conform to his "primitivism" ideal.
goddamn i been stuck on this thread for almost 2 hours! only made it to page 10. hilarious stuff in here!! praise allah!!!!!
I pray that God will soften your hearts and remove the blinders from your eyes before it's too late.

Jesus Christ lives within me

Galatians 2:20

New Living Translation (NLT)

[SUP]20 [/SUP]My old self has been crucified with Christ.[SUP][a][/SUP] It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
the problem with your religion is that they should be wearing those blinders remember before the fall they were blind when they sinned their eyes were opened that's when the trouble starts jesus said if you were blind you would have no sin8)
the problem with ANY religion, with RELIGIOUS people, is that after it gives someone order and stability in their own life, they think others have to see the world the same way. it aint just bible bangers. its EVERY religion.
What is the New Name that Jesus Christ said he would come with?
[h=3]Revelation 3:12[/h]New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

[SUP]12 [/SUP]Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem,which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name.

the problem with ANY religion, with RELIGIOUS people, is that after it gives someone order and stability in their own life, they think others have to see the world the same way. it aint just bible bangers. its EVERY religion.

well actually the bible does say to preach the gospel so it's not religious because there is not 1 religion or denomination that does everything the bible says, obeys all the commands, they do it cause the bible says to, there's many people that belong to no religion at all they just read the bible at their houses in their spare time and read the verse about preaching then go and preach even though they do not belong to any religion or denomination.
well actually the bible does say to preach the gospel so it's not religious because there is not 1 religion or denomination that does everything the bible says, obeys all the commands, they do it cause the bible says to, there's many people that belong to no religion at all they just read the bible at their houses in their spare time and read the verse about preaching then go and preach even though they do not belong to any religion or denomination.

nobody can keep all the commands in the bible simply because it is so contradictory.

thats why your bullshit religion is so fucked up and schizophrenic.