How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.


Well-Known Member
You people think you know something but you don't. I won't even dignify your ignorance with corrections. But don't worry about me popping back in here because I won't. Personally I don't see why we even have a "religious" forum here. Any religion is welcome here except Christianity. Like I said, I'm NOT a Christian; I don't believe in "Jesus", but I do recognize a blatant double standard when I see one. Unsubscribing.
Why so narrow minded?I think we would rather see you around here more often for discussion/debate.It wasnt my intention to offend you with my question about tolerance,but you seem predisposed toward angst at any rate potpimp,my bad for making it worse.


Well-Known Member
Where will you spend eternity?
Romans 10:9

New International Version (NIV)

[SUP]9 [/SUP]If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Mother Theresa said;

"Where is my faith? Even deep down… there is nothing but emptiness and darkness... If there be God — please forgive me."

"Such deep longing for God… Repulsed, empty, no faith, no love, no zeal,"

"What do I labor for? If there be no God, there can be no soul. If there be no soul then, Jesus, You also are not true."

Thought it was ironic you quote her in your signature.


Well-Known Member
I come in the name of JESUS
are you laughing BEEARCH !!



New Member
I feel sorry for the people that seem bent on rejecting Christ and going to hell. I am at a loss as to what to say to you.. I've argued many arguments on this subject and they all seem to go nowhere.

People seem to choose foolishly, with no regard for their eternal souls.

It all seems so strange to me.

The wise will heed the call, and take my advice..

These are the people i am here to reach.
Its great to hear that you have turned your life around but sad to see you giving the credit to your god. Your selling you the person...short. YOU turned YOUR life around not anyone or thing...YOU. You have been duped into believing in something. Believe in yourself because it was YOU that made the choice to change. In short there is no god, you brainwashed yourself into believing he helped you when it was YOU all the time.


Well-Known Member
I feel sorry for the people that seem bent on rejecting Christ and going to hell. I am at a loss as to what to say to you.. I've argued many arguments on this subject and they all seem to go nowhere.
You've certainly 'said' a lot, but as for making an argument, I've yet to see one. All you've done is quote scripture, which we've already told you we won't take seriously until you can;

a) Prove god exists (Independently of the bible)
b) Prove the Christian god exists (Independently of the bible)
c) Prove the Christian god had anything to do with the bible
d) Prove that the bible hasn't been modified by man, to suit his purposes.

People seem to choose foolishly, with no regard for their eternal souls.

It all seems so strange to me.
Having regard for the non-existent is stupid. When you can demonstrate that the soul exists, people will have reason to believe it exists.

The wise will heed the call, and take my advice..

These are the people i am here to reach.
If by wise, you mean people with no critical thinking ability; I might agree with you.


Well-Known Member
Its great to hear that you have turned your life around but sad to see you giving the credit to your god. Your selling you the person...short. YOU turned YOUR life around not anyone or thing...YOU. You have been duped into believing in something. Believe in yourself because it was YOU that made the choice to change. In short there is no god, you brainwashed yourself into believing he helped you when it was YOU all the time.

OG would rather avert his attention from learning about logic or critical thinking because it would endanger his "faith",he believes blindly and stays within his circular mumbo jumbo and he hears voices that he believes is God talking to him.He just comes on once or twice a week and spams threads with scripture .I agree with you ganja its always going to be the person and there actions that make change not any God or Gods.


Well-Known Member
Its great to hear that you have turned your life around but sad to see you giving the credit to your god. Your selling you the person...short. YOU turned YOUR life around not anyone or thing...YOU. You have been duped into believing in something. Believe in yourself because it was YOU that made the choice to change. In short there is no god, you brainwashed yourself into believing he helped you when it was YOU all the time.


Well-Known Member
Just plain and simple ~ fucked
Awwwwww..there are "special" places one usually goes to when one is convinced they are "superhuman" although they display no superhuman ability or not surprisingly want to "write a book", which never brother was in one of these places out of sheer madness brought on by delusions after shooting up smack back in the '80s and trying to murder my father with an axe..

He never wrote that book but still insists year after year he's he was born December 18, 1961, which make his claims as lord and savior more valid than any of you others since he was born first and of course you can see the symbolic pattern of being born EXACTLY 7 days before December 25th..can't you?


Well-Known Member
its done things for me and helped me, as well as many others i know. many times praying is all you can do.
Prayer does not help..there are scientific studies that prove this.

I'm gonna share a secret with you..this concept is actually a principle of the SUCCESSFUL professional sales representative..YOU are your own god and command your own destiny..when the going gets rough YOU make the change(s) within yourself and then will begin to see circumstances around you change. Not enough clients, not enough money..YOU have to change what YOU do..take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself..put it all together and you have yourself a MIRACLE:idea: