how do i grow my own seeds


Active Member
I just came across a male in my batch of six and thought of putting him in another room. If I keeped him on 12/12 will i get a ton of seeds. I know not feminized but will some plants be females. its my first grow and ive gone 12/12 from seed the whole way. I hear its a 7x a year harvest even using seeds. Im not to keen on using card and address on line. If theres a simple way to work keeping one of my males everytime I weed them out, id like to do it just to keep under any radar. if its not easily possibe ill just learn how to clone. any help will be greatly appreciated:leaf:



Active Member
I would suggest you learn to clone it's not that hard and its much faster than starting from seed. Just better and faster overall, you need a seperate room to produce seed producing plants so why not use it as a mother room?

If you still want to make seeds i'd collect the pollen then use a paintbrush (small one) to paint the buds. Never done this though.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Why not just clone? If you grow from seed, you need to go through the hassle of waiting several months to sex your plants, when if you go from clones, you can just concentrate all your resources on 100% females every time.


Active Member
If im using 12/12 they show sex in only 20 days but i understand how cloning would give me the 100% ratio. I guess my next ? would be how far along would a clone be 20 days in compared to a seed already sexing 20 days in. Ive also herd of clipping off of your existing plants for your next crop eliminating the mother factor. Hope it doesnt seem like im trying to keep it complicated im just new and looking for a simple production with good results. thanks again