how do i make shroom tea?


Well-Known Member
get yourself some hot water almost boiling to wehere little bubbles are forming on the bottom of the pot

put 2-3 mushrooms in your cup let it sit and steap for 2 min
them drink and see the world for what it is


Well-Known Member
grind/break up mushrooms slightly then boil for an hour or two on low low heat untill you get a dirtier brownish-yellow colored liquid that is more opaque then clear.add a tea bag,honey and perhaps an MAOI and your on ur way

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
well here is how i thought how to do it =] ...

cut/chop your shrooms up to small peices
put them in the cup/mug along with a tea bag, boil the kettle (almost boil)
pour the water into your cup/mug and stir or whatever
then add flavourings like honey etc.#

would this method work fine?

thanks all =]


Active Member
Best method i have used is a hot and cold water extraction.

Boil some water on the stove.

Chop of the mushies (any amount will do ive made teas with a quad in them)

Let them sit in the water for about 5-8 minutes

I usually get a mug for the next step fill that up and then i fill it up with icecubes and repeat until the brew freezing cold

then serve with some honey or whatever else you can find


Well-Known Member
for about 3 years i lived in florida and through the grape vine i ran into some people that knew of a few fields were i could pick these babies. where im from you pay atleast $30 1/8 so i couldnt belive it. but the hard part was picking them and then wanting to trip from your nites hard work, and i dont kno if any of you have even tried sucking down a fresh mushroom but it aint easy, when fresh there nasty and very, very gritty. and i aint gonna lie we did a few out in the field on occasion. but the thing we figured out was to put all the nites finds in a pot and boil them, there then is a thick brown film that will rise up, when that happens you kno there ready for coolaid. before adding the sugar and coolaid, scoop out all the shrooms. then add the cool aid and enjoy. once you finish that pot put the shrooms back in and cook another pot, the next pot isnt as potent but it doesnt hurt none to drink it:mrgreen:.
mushrooms are truley magic, for your head and the way they grow, we used to pick shrooms 3 or 4 times a week from the same field and if the night was right we always got out of there with a good amount. ok enough of my stoned ass rambling on. peace


Well-Known Member
Take an ounce and put it in your coffee pot for with a couple tea bags and simmer for an hour. then strain out the shrooms and drink. I find you need to simmer for a while. And when your done eat the shrooms.


Well-Known Member
Yup im an ass man and your womans is quite nice. I have come to the conclusion all hot chicks are not very smart. All there genes were to busy working on the looks and not the brains.


Asshole Patrol
If you're not hell-bent on making tea... We always used to go get ourselves some empty 00 caps, grind up our shrooms and weigh them out into the caps. Then we knew exactly what we were taking, and didnt have to taste it! :-)


Well-Known Member
If you're not hell-bent on making tea... We always used to go get ourselves some empty 00 caps, grind up our shrooms and weigh them out into the caps. Then we knew exactly what we were taking, and didnt have to taste it! :-)
Almost a full page of asses, thanks a lot dick head!:mrgreen: