How do i Root clones WITHOUT any type of hormone gel?


New Member
get "natural" aspirin for better results.....

If you have a willow tree simply cut some small branches and soak them in water...... instant rooting of charge.


Well-Known Member
you can always hope. :)

but no seriously..? Yeah.. your better off using some kind of rooting "helper" to make sure your cuttings will have nice healthy roots.

But! you don't "HAVE" to use one. You can actually root your clones using just water.. incase you weren't aware of that. You can also

simply throw your clone(s) after cutting them.. simply throw them into a grow medium such as soil. You said you were using only

soil; water; and your HPS light right?

Well, try both the water method and the regular soil method. But make sure you give them plenty of time to rake root bro.. as

some times it can take one clone as long as 3-4 weeks before they even start to show signs of taking root. So try and be patient

as you can.

Hope this helped!!!

good luck man.



New Member
"natural" aspirin is derived from Willow. That's the one you want Don :wink:

"regular" aspirin does nothing for rooting.
iight well thanks for the advice. im gonna try everything to just experiment. my local hydro store sells olivia gel, is that good also?

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
What up gents!

This thread compelled me to register as I have referenced this site numerous times.

For the cheapest rooting "helper" you can find, use human or animal saliva. I dont know a lot about this, how long it is good for, what is optimal conditions of the mouth, etc. but I did confirm it on multiple websites. I am in the process of trying it myself. I took the cuttings at a 45 and put them directly into my mouth and let them sit while I took 4 or 5 at a time then I put them in the cone shape, moistened, brown, plugs, and stuck them in a cloner tray with a dome and a heater blowing on it, humidity is high, app. 70%, and the temp is steady around 83.

I cut on the 23rd and they are looking great. Due to limited funding and time, I even took these off plants that have been in flower since the 12th.

I am curious to know if there is a way to tell when they have rooted before they pop out the bottom of the plugs???


smoke many bowls! bongsmilie

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
i have a good mother plant right now and im trying to get some clones off of her.
i only have soil, water and my hps light.
any possible way i can make this work?
The thing is by circumventing the Gel you are not doing any favors for for survivor rate or time involved. Make sense?
Yes to answer your question but trim the leaves back and I would recommend water "tap" let no light in to the root or stem area where you want the root to grow. As any soil has some form of Nitrogen in it and you do not want Nitro when rooting only when leaf or Vegging. Alss notice the leaves were cut in my photo this was to re-direct hormones to say-- "leaf growth is not what is good so try root growth".
Willow water is good if you got one "a willow tree" or an aspirin. as it is made from willow bark. Go nature!

Try an aspirin--- if you have one, on your deserted island with net access?

If you are gonna try to clone might want to read as those are going to be Tops and flowers you are going to chop off there. Try Olivias as that brand has the anti fungus/pro-root hormone to help you achieve your goal. Might want to do a little more reading---Marijuana horticulture medical growers bible by Jorge Cervantes.
I can tell you that it will save you money and time in the long run as the Gel will too. See Amazon for the Book "got em used too".
I attached a pic for a what the book and and 60 days will get ya. 60days because you should not flower for 25-30 after taking clones from a Mama. So the book said.
FYI thanks to alot of support and attaboy's on here I have got where I got but not quite where I wanna be gettin. But thanks the same for all the help.
The Lights are as follows for someone who is interested
11 23 watt 5000 color or 5500 range pushing 1300-1600 x11 lumes at the first foot
(inverse squre law)

for Flowering those are 16 23 watt 2700 color with about 1500 lumens per bulb at a foot away.
I also have switched or replaced 2 of the Vegging 11 with 2700 instead of only a field of 5500 color (more natural spectrum or thinking with my rectum? I dunno?)
the Flower cab has 4 switched out of the 16 to 5000 color instead of all 2700 as it is the length as well color of lite that determines her mood or season.
23 w are the ones that are equal to the older style 100w screw in ones.
like 7 bucks for 4.
Sorry to jack your thread but I thought to add this stuff and it went on and on and I never get on here much and it is inside grow and all kinda falls together.
I only know what I read?



New Member
What up gents!

This thread compelled me to register as I have referenced this site numerous times.

For the cheapest rooting "helper" you can find, use human or animal saliva. I dont know a lot about this, how long it is good for, what is optimal conditions of the mouth, etc. but I did confirm it on multiple websites. I am in the process of trying it myself. I took the cuttings at a 45 and put them directly into my mouth and let them sit while I took 4 or 5 at a time then I put them in the cone shape, moistened, brown, plugs, and stuck them in a cloner tray with a dome and a heater blowing on it, humidity is high, app. 70%, and the temp is steady around 83.

I cut on the 23rd and they are looking great. Due to limited funding and time, I even took these off plants that have been in flower since the 12th.

I am curious to know if there is a way to tell when they have rooted before they pop out the bottom of the plugs???


smoke many bowls! bongsmilie

Welcome aboard professor! So who was really hotter, Mary Ann or Ginger? :lol:

Yes, I have heard of saliva being used....interestingly primordial and basic.

About the telling of roots.... I have been growing all sorts of plants for 30+ years and it still comes down to experience and popping one out to look.

I have often wondered how hard would it be to coat liners with an "reactive" surface to give sign when a certain root enzyme comes in contact with it. At this point the best way is by gauging the top, and staying consistent.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
FYI... The human saliva worked!!!

Its cheap but not if time is a factor. I dont know about you guys but I dont have any extra time.

My pops took cutting from the same strain, different plants but our plants had the same mother. His cutting were taking about 3 days after mine and he used rooting gel. I had a success rate of 90% but I almost four weeks into my cuttings and the last of them just now rooted.

His rooted about two weeks before mine and the growth up top of the plants where significant also.

Thought I would give everyone a heads up as to the results I had. Knowing that the rooting gel is so cheap now, I will not take cutting without it.


Active Member
Welcome aboard professor! So who was really hotter, Mary Ann or Ginger? :lol:

Yes, I have heard of saliva being used....interestingly primordial and basic.

About the telling of roots.... I have been growing all sorts of plants for 30+ years and it still comes down to experience and popping one out to look.

I have often wondered how hard would it be to coat liners with an "reactive" surface to give sign when a certain root enzyme comes in contact with it. At this point the best way is by gauging the top, and staying consistent.
use a clear plastic cup. if that sketches you out, use a clear plastic cup and put it in a dixie cup. problem of root showing is now solved.


Active Member
Absolutely scrap the rooting goop, it is not needed and can easily cause more problems than it solves on soft-stemmed cuttings like cannabis. Rockwool is a good solution, see and


Well-Known Member
get 2 clear plastic solo cups. soil and a plant cutting in one solo cup. use the other cup to shield the plant from airflow. 23 watt cfl per 12 plants. 24 hour lighting. spray water in the empty cup to keep the humidity up. try not to get water on the leaves. air it out at least 1x per day.

should have roots in 10-20 days.

rockwool and jiffy peat pellets work well too... humidity dome is the key.