How do I save this plant? Please help


Does anyone have any advice on how to get this plant looking healthy again? :confused:

I have some photos from Nov. 2 to Nov. 5 and it seems to be going up & down in health. I haven't been watering it too much, and its soil is moist.. The leaves are looking dry & feel a bit crunchy. I have sprayed its leaves with water (spray bottle) occasionally, but not sure if that helps. (I do not let it sit in the sun or have very much light on it when it's leaves are wet to avoid burning them).

Since its been looking a bit sad, I put it out for some sun for about 5 hours on Nov. 4. It seemed to look a bit perkier, so this morning I put it back outside for 2 hours and went out to check on it just to see that it had wilted some & its leaves are all over the place (some curled up & some curled down, some drooping, some perky). So I took it back inside after that, and it seems to be happier now but it still does not look too healthy. Hopefully you can tell what is going on by looking at the pictures. It was a bit windy today & humid because it sprinkled lightly today but I put my plant outside after the rain. I am not sure if I should keep giving it sun, or maybe give it sun every other day (or for how many hours). I use two lamps to give it light when it's indoors & have a fan on it when it looks like it could use it (not pointed directly at it). Perhaps a few leaves need to be trimmed? Or maybe my watering.. about how much water & how often should a plant this size need?

Well, If anyone has any advice or suggestions, i'd really appreciate the help. I don't want this plant to die :( (If there are any inexpensive solutions to solve my problem, that would be a plus as I don't have much to spend & only one plant).

Thanks for reading.:weed:



Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any advice on how to get this plant looking healthy again? :confused:

I have some photos from Nov. 2 to Nov. 5 and it seems to be going up & down in health. I haven't been watering it too much, and its soil is moist.. The leaves are looking dry & feel a bit crunchy. I have sprayed its leaves with water (spray bottle) occasionally, but not sure if that helps. (I do not let it sit in the sun or have very much light on it when it's leaves are wet to avoid burning them).

Since its been looking a bit sad, I put it out for some sun for about 5 hours on Nov. 4. It seemed to look a bit perkier, so this morning I put it back outside for 2 hours and went out to check on it just to see that it had wilted some & its leaves are all over the place (some curled up & some curled down, some drooping, some perky). So I took it back inside after that, and it seems to be happier now but it still does not look too healthy. Hopefully you can tell what is going on by looking at the pictures. It was a bit windy today & humid because it sprinkled lightly today but I put my plant outside after the rain. I am not sure if I should keep giving it sun, or maybe give it sun every other day (or for how many hours). I use two lamps to give it light when it's indoors & have a fan on it when it looks like it could use it (not pointed directly at it). Perhaps a few leaves need to be trimmed? Or maybe my watering.. about how much water & how often should a plant this size need?

Well, If anyone has any advice or suggestions, i'd really appreciate the help. I don't want this plant to die :( (If there are any inexpensive solutions to solve my problem, that would be a plus as I don't have much to spend & only one plant).

Thanks for reading.:weed:
What are you using as a light source besides the sun.

Also what type of soil are you using


Well-Known Member
have u started nutes yet? when did you first notice the problem? how often and how much are u watering?(i know you said you dont think its overwatered but im not covinced) whats your temps? whats your ph?


Thanks for the replies

Ok, to answer a few questions:

Soil: Miracle Gro Potting soil

Ph: 7 (should I try to lower the ph to 6 or 6.5? if so, how can I do that without spending $)

I noticed the problem a few days before Nov. 2nd. I am not sure what to do. I only have this one plant & am not trying to grow a bunch. One will do for now. I can barely get the hang of it obiviously :dunce:

I am thinking I need to do some damage control. I would like to come up with a better routine asap before she dies.

I water the plant whenever the soil is dry (after putting finger in soil). Every few days usually. I use a small watering can & pour water evenly, allowing it a few seconds to soak in and stop as soon as I see that it is draining. I haven't measured how much water I give, but maybe about a cup or two? I have no idea. Lately, the soil has been moist, so I have avoided watering until I figure out exactly how much is needed & how often.

I am confused about its needs at this stage. Is spraying the leaves with water (spray bottle) helpful in anyway?

All of the leaves feel pretty dry to the touch, even the healthier looking ones. Some of the leaves are more discolored at the edges today, probably because they were dying off anyway. I have added a picture with this reply. What do I do with leaves like that? Should I trim them or let them fall off? I hear sometimes it is helpful to trim off spent leaves to encourage new growth. Maybe that would only stress out my plant at this time though.

I do not have a grow room, I simply have my room. I don't have any special lights, just a lamp & a set of ceiling lights with 3 movable bulbs that are very bright. How many hours of light is recommended? I was thinking if my lighting is not good enough, I might try to put the plant out for a few hours of sun & then take it back inside as it is very hot here.. so weather + bugs here is not ideal. Any suggestions on this sunlight idea? Maybe I should try putting it by a window to get sunlight rather than directly outside.

How often should I have a fan on?

Is root growth hormone a good idea?

And last.. I do not use nutes. Are they needed at this point? What kind is recommended + cheap?

But honestly.. before I go through anymore trouble of trying to figure this all out.. Does anyone think this plant has a chance of surviving until bud time? I certainly hope so. I am freaking out though because I don't think i'll learn everything I need to in time to get it healthy again.



Does anyone know if the browning leaves have rust or does it look like a ph problem? A friend of mine said perhaps try neem oil if its a rust problem.

Sorry for all of the questions. If anyone has at least a few answers to some, i'd really appreciate the help.


Active Member
Well at that size, nutrients with Nitrogen in them would be a big help. I believe that may be a part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
it will survive w/o a doubt, the question is if its worth letting it. i'd keep going for sure, it doesnt look that bad, ive seen alot worse.

in regards to the rest of the post, is the plant sitting in its runoff water in the tray you got under the pot? are they incandesents lights? they are worthless if so. have the fan running all the time. for veg you want 24/0 or 18/6, depending on your preferances basically, 12/12 is for flowering. for flowering it must have 12 hrs of constant dark with absolutely no light, not even a flicker. for veg you want a fertilizer high in nitrogen and lower in phosphorus and potassium levels.(thats what the n-p-k means-nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) and a fert with low nitrogen levels and higher potassium and phosphorus levels. as for the sunlight idea-u might as well just keep it out there if you can have it safely outside, the sun destroys even the best lights when it comes to growing. you could keep a mother inside with rooting/vegging clones in the area on 24/0 and then when your ready to flower put em outside and the change in lighting cycles should make em start flowering after a lil while. dont listen to the people who tell u to cut leaves, even though they may be dying the plant is still pulling out precious stored energy and nutrients from them. if you can tug on a leave gently and it comes off then its basically got everything out but due to possible mold/mildew/fungi attack on decaying leaves you should remove em b4 the plant itself drops em by a short while unless they look like they may be starting mold or mildew or rot(since u said they feel they are crispy and not squishy i wouldnt worry about it at all right now, just make sure to keep an eye on it just in case. .
have you been misting the plant? what are your temps, you never got back to me on that part, lol, it looks like it may want to get moved into a bigger container, do you have roots growing out the drainage holes? superthrive is a product ive never tried but alot of experienced growers here do swear by it, or do you mean the rooting hormone that you dip clones in? whats your humidity? spraying is not really needed unless your treating a infestation or foliar feeding.