Well its funny all these plp are saying wrap in this and put it in that and say that it works..The thing is "yeah it might of worked that time but its all about the odds"..Those plp beat the odds and got lucky but i assure you all the methods listed in this tread can still get you caught.. Look at it this way: In Blackjack you can do certain things to increase your odds of winning, and you might have a 75-90% sucess rate, but its not guaranteed you will walk out a winner. It just depends how much your willing to risk..
(take that last card it could be 21 or you could bust) "luck of the drawl"
I just think, that when we have a hobby like this its best to air on the side of cation but hey i have known plp myself that has received it in the mail with no problem but i would not risk it....Just dont moan and groan when the milk turns sour.