How Do I Stop My Plant From Growing But Expand The Leafs And Branches


Well-Known Member
How Do I Stop My Plant From Growing But Expand The Leafs And Branches. One Of My Plants Is Streching Alot I Have Them All Under 24 Hrs Of Light But Why Is Only 1 Growing Rapidly Fast And Streching The Shoot Just Keeps Growing More And More Buy Day Everyday There Are A New Set Of Leafs Growing On Top Is There Anyway I Can Slow This Down Btu Keep Making My Leafs Grow Bigger And The Branches Grow More . I Heard Trimming The Tip Was Good But Im A Lil Scared To Do That I Mean Its A Reallly Good Looking Shoot . I Head It Would Be Good To Cut The Top Off After The First 5 Nodes But Wut Will This Do To My Plant .

Thanks Everyone


Well-Known Member
Trim and make clones!!!! haha. Or wonna be creative and try puttin plexi glass over it. Thats just an idea. Why dont you want it taller?


Well-Known Member
cause its growing to fast so wut can i do should i top it ? will the shoot grow back after i top it ?


Well-Known Member
Well you want it to grow fast. But i just gave you my best suggesstions. Or you can take a screen like out of a window and and place over it. Let light get to it and keep it from growing up. But again, is there something wrong with it getting tall?


Active Member
is safe to assume that if the plant is too tall and gangly, it will fail to support the weight of itself and the eventual bud that would develop? I think thats why he might be concerned...


Active Member
If it is growing that fast ahead of the others then my bet is it would be a male plant I have noticed that the males always shoot up very fast and are kinda lanky if you know what I mean. But I do not know for sure your whole situation. That would be my bet. For know I say just go to the node that you want it att, and the right above this node chop it leaving just the leaves this will cause the growth to be focused on the node and it will devlope two tops, and the again top the two tops to make four tops and so forth.


Well-Known Member
Clipping the main shoot after the newwest internode will help keep it short. But that's something you needed to do BEFORE it got too tall. What you can do now is go ahead and top it, then get some string and tie around the the stem near the top and bend it over a little. Keep bending it more and more every other day and eventually you could grow a sidways plant.